I love you kitten

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Lance:*takes out his phone and goes to his photos and looks at the pictures of him and Keith on his phone he smiled and kissed his head* i love you kitten

Keith smiled and nuzzles into his chest still being asleep

Adam:*was sleeping in the med bay and was having an intense and scary nightmare and woke up screaming as loud as he can and was crying as that happen Shiro walked over and tried to hugged him to try to calm him down but Adam starts choking him*

Shiro: Adam....its m-me....*he starts coughing losing air* A-a...dam p-pl...ease i-i...lo-o...ve you Adam

Adam let go after hearing that and backed up scared and left Shiro coughing trying to get air back in his lungs

Adam: i-im so sorry im so sorry i-i thought i-i thought you were you were

Shiro: a galra soldier taking you to the fighting rink

Adam:y-ya how did you know that

Shiro: i had the same dream and it happened but Keith was in the other end of that nightmare ya it wasn't fun Keith didn't get near me for a week

Adam:oh are you okay

Shiro: yes i'm okay just got the air knocked out of me for a second do you want me to help you to bed and

Adam: you mean help me fall asleep again what time is it

Shiro: Hey hunk where is my ticker at have you seen it i'm trying to get the time

Hunk: *walks over and hands my his ticker* oh ya and its 24 vergas and 60 ticks by the way *he walks out and back into the kitchen*

Shiro: thanks Hunk! *he yelled to hunk*

Hunk:your welcome Shiro!*he yelled back*

Adam: what time is it

Shiro:*he chuckles softly* its 24 vergas and 60 ticks

Adam: that didn't help earth time please Shiro

Shiro: oh ughhhhhhh maybe 11:47 i don't know sorry baby i don't know what "earth time" it is

Adam: can you help me back to sleep i can't remember the last time i slept the whole night

Shiro: sure baby i can help you back to sleep lets go to bed in my room its nicer than the med bay bed usually we would put you in the med pods we call them pods but we have a couple beds

Adam: oh okay then thats a little odd but i thought that this was your room

Shiro: no baby this isn't my room *he walked over and picked him up and walked to his room and lied him down on his bed*

Adam: WOW this bed is comfy but...

Shiro: but what Adam

Adam:*he pulled Shiro down on to his bed and starts cuddling* but i missed cuddling with you Shiro you know in a little bit we will be married if everything goes well

Shiro:*wraps his arms around him and smiles softly* yes if everything does go well go to sleep baby please

Adam: fine but get some sleep as well i don't know the last time you slept babe *he nuzzles into Shiro's chest and fell asleep*

Shiro: okay i will baby i will *he smiled kissed his head and fell asleep*

Pidge:*walked past Shiro's room smiled and closed the door and locked it so only people in the room could open it so she locked it form the inside from the outside amd walked into the kitchen where hunk and Allura was at*

Allura: Ah hello Pidge do you know where Shiro and Adam are at i don't know where they are i can't find them

Pidge: oh ya Adam and Shiro are passed out in his room so i wouldn't go in there i don't know when the last time they actually got some sleep so i would leave them be

Hunk: were they "sleeping" together or just sleeping together

Pidge: they were just sleeping together like cuddling together sleeping together so dont get any weird ideas HUNK

Hunk: okay pidge don't worry im not you your the more dirty one between us

Allura: i'm confused what do you mean by "sleeping" together

PIdge: okay how does she not know what "sleep" together means she's 10,000 years old and i'm 15 and i know what "sleep" together means

Allura: what does it means!

Hunk: *he walked over and whispers what it meant to "sleep" together with someone means*

Allura: oh okay ya I didn't need to hear that but okay then

Hunk: well you asked or yelled what it was so i told you and Pidge how do you know about it

Allura: *she sighed* that is true i did ask what it is

Pidge: Hunk 7 words health class people talk and internet

Hunk: that makes sense  is that why your so dirty minded

Pidge: partly the reason

Hunk: partly really Pigde really you mean mostly or fully the reason

Pidge: yes that  is true Hunk why do you got you call me out like that

Hunk: Allura went to her room to sleep it is late right now

Pidge: what time is it

Hunk: ughhhhhh * pules out his ticker and looks at then time then puts it away* 12 verga and 27 ticks

Pidge: okay ya lets get to bed it is late

Hunk and Pidge said good night and went to bed in the morning  something odd was going on to Keith...

I'm what?? No I can't be!! (Garla Keith x Lance fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now