Safe and Sound

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Lance:*walked over hearing Keith talking to himself and knocked on the door* hey baby

Keith: Hey babe

Lance: can I come in

Keith: sure Lance whats up

Lance:*walked in and closed the door behind him* hey i heard you talking to yourself are you both okay

Keith: Yes Lance we're okay I was just taking my pup

Lance: that's good that your both okay when's your due date

Keith: ummmm I don't know when it is maybe it's June 1st *he smiled and put his hand on his stomach*

Lance: oh okay that's great he's almost here just a couple weeks left

Keith: well it's actually more than a month away Lance

Lance: I know Keith I'll leave you alone for a bit if you want me too

Keith: ya I would I was going to go downstairs and help with breakfast *he got up and walked over* is that okay Lance can I leave

Lance: ya you can leave

Keith smiled opened the door then went downstairs then went in the kitchen

Lance: is he okay I mean he said he was am I just a boyfriend or a father to be I mean know not biological father but like a father figure to it I need to stop calling it an it's a baby

After that every one ate and is has been a few months and it was also Keith due date so Lisa was giving him a quick check up

Lisa: so you looking just at your stomach you look about full term but let's take a look at the baby just to be sure since today is your due date

Keith: okay does it hurt

Lisa: does what hurt cub

Keith: you know like giving birth since you had some of your own d-did it hurt

Lisa: umm which my son I had to get a c-section because he was born too early with my daughter I had her natural

Keith: oh well that really answer my question Lisa

Lisa: I'm sorry what was it I thought you asked how I had them

Keith: n-no did it hurt giving birth to your daughter since you had her natural

Lisa: oh ya it hurt a lot she was a big baby she was over 9 pounds she was a big baby

Keith:*got a little scared* really she looks so skinny now

Lisa: yes she looks skinny now yes but for the first year she wasn't

Keith: *kept thinking of the videos he watched of women giving birth* o-oh o-okay

Lisa: whats wrong cub something messing with you

Keith: I-I'm just not good w-with pain is all and you s-said it hurt a lot with y-yours

Lisa: honey yours is a small baby it still is going to hurt but it wouldn't hurt as bad okay don't worry cub *she said looking at the baby on her ultrasound machine in her hand*

Keith: oh that's a good thing right *he said worried*

Lisa: yes it's good don't worry cub you should have him today or in the next couple days

Keith:*sat up and rubbed his stomach since the baby was moving a lot* I have a question tho

Lisa: okay hit me

Keith: what no I'm not hitting you

Lisa:*she chuckles* no it's just saying ask it in a silly way

Keith: oh okay I kept feeling him like moving down and up a lot is that normal

I'm what?? No I can't be!! (Garla Keith x Lance fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now