Umm...Keith you feeling okay

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Lance: Good morning Keith are you felling okay

Keith: Good morning lance ya i'm fine i'm going out with shiro for a bit in red *he throws on his regular clothes and walks to red*  hey girl shiro ready to go

Shiro: hey Keith your hair got a longer and ya I'm ready to go

Keith and Shiro got in red and Keith flew to nearest space store for things the castle and the team needed Lance walked out  to where everyone was at

Lance:hey guys did Keith look different to you guys

Pigde: i  don't know i'm not with him lance is he different

a couple hours  shiro went in the kitchen and lance took Keith to their room

Lance:hey Keith can i ask you something 

Keith: anything

Lance:no did you notice how long your hair is

Keith:ya my hair is down to my ass why do you ask about it

Lance :oh i just wanted to say i like it

Keith:Thanks I'm going to train pidge okay bye love you

Lance:okay bye love you baby too

Keith took off his jacket and went training with pidge getting cuts and bruises while he was training and Keith and Pidge start talking

Pidge: So Why am I sitting here with you as you train

Keith:because I can't train like this with lance here and I need to talk

Pidge: okay true and what do you need to talk about Keith

Keith:there is something weird going on with me I don't want to tell lance and I can't tell shiro and allura doesn't like me and me and hunk don't talk so you were my person

Pidge:ya that's true so what is the weird thing

Keith:*he stops for a second* likes hair got very long and my chest looks bigger and I feel like my ass grew now I know you are into girls but I feel like  going a little crazy thinking about this

Pidge:see I have noice this too but this has only started after you came back from that witch a couple weeks ago

Keith:pidge I'm glad that I'm not the only one that notices this could you see what's wrong with me cause I feel different

Pidge: ya sure I can help you look different not in a bad way just different

Keith:Thanks and when you found out don't tell the others please
I want to tell them myself

Pidge:ya no problem do you want to do it know lance doesn't mess with you while you train so we'll do it now

Keith:Great let's go

Keith and Pidge walked into her room and turned off the camera and mic in her room Keith sat on her bed and she grabbed a couple things and put them on her bed and sat down and starts talking some of his blood

Keith:What do you think is wrong with me because I'm a little scared

Pidge:I understand that your scared and at the beginning remember when everyone gave a blood sample I can just see what's different between the two samples

Keith:thanks for doing this for me pidge

Pidge:no problem Keith your like my brother so it's no problem

Keith smiled and Pidge finishes up getting blood so her and Keith walk into her lab and she starts doing scanning it and trying to spot the different between the two Keith sat in the lab with pidge

Lance:what are you doing hunk

Hunk:well I'm making some food good for dinner do you want to help

Lance:sure I'll help Keith and pidge aren't in the training room I wondered where they are

Hunk:if I knew I would tell you mix this *he handed him a bowl and lance starts mixing it*

A couple hours later pidge woke up Keith that was asleep on the floor when the results came back she brought him over to the screen

Pidge: Keith look at how the the two dna strands are different like these parts are almost the same so what is basically saying I'm saying is...

I'm what?? No I can't be!! (Garla Keith x Lance fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now