He's what!

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Allura: well uhhhhhh how do it say this Keith is somehow pregnant with your pup if that's makes sense that might be whats wrong with him recently like the aches all over, the throwing up, and the overprotective you gotten over him and his stomach

Lance:*he looked so surprised like he didn't believe what Allura just said but so happy if its true*He's what! did i hear that right like pregnant like actually pregnant like pregnant with my pup pregnant *he kept saying it over and over and different ways trying to believe it*

Allura:*she giggled at the confused and excited Lance* yes Keith is pregnant with your pup Lance no matter how you say it or how many times you say it Lance yes its true okay so do you want to know more about it

Lance: yes please can you tell me more

Allura: so he is at least 10 weeks pregnant he has a smaller than 10 weeks old baby bump on him that you can see if you look at the pod that's probably why he hasn't come to breakfast in a couple weeks or hasn't come to training in a couple weeks

Lance: *he looked at Keith and saw Keith's baby bump and smiled* ya that makes a lot of sense- wait did you say you hasn't been eating in a couple weeks is he okay is the baby okay *he said with a lot of worry in his voice*

Allura: yes that's what i said and i don't know if he okay and yes at least i know the baby is okay but not well the pod is giving him and the baby the nutrients that he had missed when he was in bed or in the bathroom throwing up in toilet so don't worry till i know more okay but i do have a picture of yours baby do you want to see your baby so far

Lance: yes please can i see my pup

Allura: sure no problem come here then

Allura:*pulled up the picture and points to the baby* there it is their your baby Lance

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Allura:*pulled up the picture and points to the baby* there it is their your baby Lance

Lance: *walked over and smiled brightly when he saw the baby*  hi pup

Allura:*smiled and giggles softly* Lance its a picture it can't hear you

Lance: i know i know it's just so precious Allura how is Keith and the baby now

Allura: they are doing good the are getting all the things or nutrients they need so don't worry about them now okay

Lance: okay okay that's good 

Shiro walked in the med bay and walked over to Allura and Lance

Shiro: Hey guys what are you looking at

Allura and Lance: hey Shiro

Shiro:*he looked at the picture* ohhhhhhh who's baby is that

Lance:*got scared a bit and closed the picture* n-nothing S-Shiro don't worry about it

Shiro: are you sure you being weird

Lance: ya ya i'm fine Shiro

Allura: oh okay so i have to go see what our next plan is okay I'll leave you guys here* she grabbed her tablet and left*

I'm what?? No I can't be!! (Garla Keith x Lance fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now