No honey it's me Luna

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Luna:*she looked so shocked happy and confused all at the same time* w-what how huh he's what

Lance:*he chuckles* Mama your going be a grandma soon

Luna:*she smiled and hugged him* your not pranking me right

Lance:*he hugged her back* no no Mama I'm not pranking you

Luna: that's amazing I'm going to have grandson soon that's so great is it only one baby or is there more

Lance: no Mama theirs only one baby *when he was done talking they both heard throwing up from the bathroom next to Lances room Lance sighed and got up*

Luna: what's wrong who was that are they

Lance: that's Keith he gets it every once in a while

Luna: oh can I try with him this time

Lance: sure Mama I guess you can try

Luna smiled and walked into the bathroom and kneeled down next to Keith put his hair back in a bun then starts rubbing his back

Luna:Shh Shh it's okay it's okay

Keith:* he held on to the toilet lid and his stomach* L-Lance is that you

Luna: no honey it's me Luna Lance's mom are you okay

Keith: s-sorry this is the first time we're meeting Miss Luna

Luna: please just call me Luna how far are you with him

Keith: how did you- Lance told you huh

Luna: yes he did now you didn't answer my question dear how far along are you

Keith: 31 weeks along almost at—*before he could finish his sentence the baby kicked and made him starts throwing up again*

Luna: oh honey but you don't look pass 18 weeks is he okay

Keith: ya he's tiny and knows how to hide but i do have questions since you had a lot of kids

Luna:sure honey what is it

Keith: do you have anything for like morning sickness

Luna: umm let me look I might *she got up and looked in the cabinet behind the mirror weird question for you did you eat anything oily acidic or spicy food lately

Keith: ya I had a lemon on the way here I was craving one then I felt sick and Lance told me to lie down but before I could tell him that didn't work you were yelling at him and Hunk *he finished his sentence and went back to throwing up*

Luna: ya that's why oily acidic or spicy food will fuck with your stomach and make you throw up like you are now

Keith just nodded slightly still vomiting he held his stomach and toilet seat harder

Luna:*she looked thought the cabinets and found nothing and looked down at Keith* I'm sorry honey I can't find anything how about I make you some tea and sit with you for a bit is that too pushy

Keith: *looked up at her after wiping his mouth on his sleeve* no no your fine I grew up with two dads so your the closes I have to a mother so y-your fine

Luna:*sat next to Keith on the floor* well I'm your mother now okay

Keith:s-sure how many kids do you have b-besides me

Luna: there's you,Lance,Marco,Luis, Veronica, Rachel and my daughter in law Lisa

Keith: wow are you sure you want a seventh kid

Luna: ya don't worry I love kids do you want to come downstairs with me or wait in bed

Keith: which place has a tv and a soft place to sleep

I'm what?? No I can't be!! (Garla Keith x Lance fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now