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"Y/N/N hurry up I'm done for the day and I'm trying to get some food and see my bestie" Zendaya whined as I giggled "daya I'm literally parked right outside in the parking lot of your hotel." I explained.

"Well come on" she said said excitedly as I giggled "okay okay which room is yours?" I asked "room 1243 at the very top floor" she said excited as I giggled. "Alright bye" I said hanging up and waiting for the elevator to reach the top floor.

I was on my phone checking my Instagram for the comments on my new foundation shade colors added to my make up line titled "Y/N Beauty" the elevator stopped as a man around my age came onto the elevator

I was on my phone checking my Instagram for the comments on my new foundation shade colors added to my make up line titled "Y/N Beauty" the elevator stopped as a man around my age came onto the elevator

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he gave off a smile as I smiled back and he pressed the same floor I was going too making me giggle some to myself.

Then I realized who he was but I didn't say anything. The elevator stopped as he let me go out first and I walked at a fast pace about to knock on the door excitedly but daya swung the door open.

"Hi my baby momma!" She said playfully "hey zaddy!" I said as we laughed and hugged each other tightly. "OMG I missed you!" She squealed as there was a knock and I seen the same guy from the elevator. "Oh hey Tom this is My bestfriend Y/N and Y/N this is Tom who plays spider man" daya said laying her head on my shoulder smiling as I smiled.

"Hi nice to meet you" I said holding my hand out as he shook it "nice to meet you too" he said in the sweetest English accent. "Your accent is beautiful" I said as he chuckled "thanks" he thanked as daya lifted her head from off my shoulder.

"You're sooo short but you smell good" she complimented me as I flipped her off "alright LaCienega" I joked saying she had big feet like LaCienega from off proud family, as she laughed waving at me the flipped me off.

"You're sooo short but you smell good" she complimented me as I flipped her off "alright LaCienega" I joked saying she had big feet like LaCienega from off proud family, as she laughed waving at me the flipped me off

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"Do you mind if Tom comes along with us?" Zendaya questioned "oh no if you two have something planned-" Tom started off as I waved him off smiling. "No that's fine I want to know who is playing my best friends love interest" I said as daya giggled.

"You want to bring Jacob so you won't be with a bunch of girls?" Daya asked as Tom nodded and pulled his phone out calling whoever Jacob was.

"You look cute" she complimented my outfit

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