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"Let's have a sleep over tonight" Daya whined as I sighed "you are out here to work and besides you have like hella alarms just to get up and I hate that" I said as she laughed. "Please?" She asked as I sighed "alright you better get up the first alarm tomorrow" I said as she smiled getting out the car.

"Bye love I had fun talking to you" Tom said as I smiled and turned "me too" I said as he smiled "what are you doing Sunday morning before you leave?" Tom asked as I smiled "nothing that I know of, why?" I asked.

"If it was okay with you I wanted to take you out for breakfast or even tea?" Tom asked as I smiled. "Yeah that sounds like fun" I said as he smiled "I'll call or text you, but be safe" he said with a smile and closed the door as I smiled to myself pulling out and driving to my hotel packing a little over night bag to sleep over Zendaya's hotel tonight.

It was 7 when I arrived at her hotel I went upstairs to her room knocking on the door. She came to the door and opened it as I went in.
"Since you needed to talk to me so badly" I teased as she giggled.

"What you need to talk about?" I asked laying across her bed on my stomach as she laid her head on my back scrolling on IG. "What's this about?" She asked seeing the same picture Tom commented under.

"I don't know he's your friend" I said as she giggled "wow Tom commented under your photo you know he's Instagram stupid." She said as I laughed. "What you mean he got hella pictures under his instagram" I said "it's easy to post something and comment he barely even know how to do that" she said as we shared a laugh.

"What's going on with you and Jordan?" She asked as I just sighed shaking my head at my Ex. He broke up with me but still is trying to talk to me. "We sat down and talked and he broke up with me because I wasn't allowing him to stay at my place" I explained.

"I mean he's your boyfriend so why you didn't just let him stay?" Zendaya asked "he's my BOYFRIEND not my husband and when I did try to let him in he wasn't doing anything and had the audacity to have another girl in my house" I explained as she giggled.

"What you do I know you started flipping shit" Daya said as I giggled "I broke up with him put him out and then he wanted me back I got with him then he wanted to move back in and that's when I said no and he caught an attitude" I explained as she laughed "I mean you and Jordan been boo'd up since the end of high school" she said.

"Yeah but if you don't want anything for yourself how am I supposed to help? my business is selling out and booming I could've helped him with whatever but he doesn't even want it for himself" I explained as Zendaya nodded.

"Yeah true but I been told you to drop him You was like "oh he'll be fine he'll grow up"" she mocked as I giggled. "Now look at you lonely and horny" she said as I laughed And nudged her arm. "No I'm not I'm actually happy mentally and physically it's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders." I explained as Zendaya was flipping through the guide on the tv.

"Well you look good for a break up" she said as I giggled "we broke up like how many months ago?" I asked her as she giggled "Yeah but you were good back then too" she said as she kept scrolling through the guide "civil war" I said pointing to it as Zendaya sighed loudly "here you go" she started off "you mean to tell me you watch all the marvel movies and you didn't know who Tom Holland was?" She asked as I giggled.

"You know I knew who he was in the elevator when I came to see you but I was too shy to say anything" I admitted as she laughed. "But I really want to meet Robert Downey jr. so when you see him give me a call" I said as she looked at me.

"Are you dumb or stupid?" She asked as I looked at her "huh?" I asked genuinely confused. "He's in the movie with us when you're my date to the movie premiere you'll get to meet him." She said as I smiled at her. "Really?" I asked excitedly as she laughed.

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