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A month and a half passed and Tom and I have been FaceTiming nonstop our conversations were really good and I found out he used to dance which was really adorable I was picking Daya up from the airport since she was finally coming back to LA because she finished filming and I was excited it was also October 25th and I was soon going to turn 21 so I was excited.

After I picked Daya up from the airport we were going straight to my photoshoot I was having for Elle magazine and then out for lunch after. I pulled in front of the airport as Zendaya walked out the automatic doors and she waved running to car with her things being goofy.

I got out the car and we hugged each other I then placed her bags in the back seat and she got into the drivers seat of my car driving In stead. I got in on the passengers side as she just smiled at me.

"What?" I asked as she shook her head smiling still and pulled off. "How was your plane ride zaddy?" I asked her texting Tom as she laughed "it was good I'm back to be in LA and drive in their whack ass traffic" she said as I giggled. 

"Who you texting?" she asked as I smiled at something Tom sent me then I looked at Zendaya. "Nobody I'm ready for this photo shoot" I said pressing the sleep wake button on my phone and smiled as she looked at me.

"Mhm you just lied to me I already know who it is" she said as I laughed "Who?" I asked "Tom" she simply said as I sighed "he's really funny" I said as she laughed "yeah he's pretty slow" she said as we laughed.

"You like him?" She asked with a smirk as I laughed "doesn't Tom have a girlfriend?" I asked as she shook her head "you can't be this stupid " she said to herself "he doesn't even like me Daya" I said as she sighed loudly then looked at me.

"You like him?" She asked with a smirk as I laughed "doesn't Tom have a girlfriend?" I asked as she shook her head "you can't be this stupid " she said to herself "he doesn't even like me Daya" I said as she sighed loudly then looked at me

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"What?" I asked "OH MY GOD Y/N TOM FUCKING LIKES YOU DUMMY!" She said shouted as we laughed. "I mea-" I started off as she just shook her head "nu-uh don't say anything" she started off.

"The fact a straight guy went to a women event filled with almost all women, fans of him and brought you a bouquet of roses you mean to tell me you didn't know?!" She asked as I tried to talk again.

"Nu-uh zip it" she said looking at me then back onto the road "a guy who is Instagram challenged commented heart emojis under your picture and not only that but then took you out to breakfast just the two of you" she said as she continued.

"AND THEN SINCE YOU LEFT" she started off as I giggled "you two have been FaceTiming nonstop" she started but I cut her off "we were just getting to know each other I said that when I first met him I needed to know who was playing my best friends love interest" I said as she shook her head.

"Bull shit" she said as I laughed "well I didn't know he would like me" I started off "and then I thought you two were talking I was going to get you two together" I said.

"I don't like Tom and Tom definitely doesn't like me I've been here the whole time trying to get you two too hang out with each other so you two can possibly become a couple" she admitted.

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