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"Yes it was fun and what Tom did was really sweet" I said on the phone with Daya washing my face and getting ready for bed.
"Yeah it was" Zendaya said with a huge smile.
"Daya did you know anything about this?" I asked as she shook her head.

"Nope had no clue what did you guys talk about anyway I know you two just dipped at one point in the night" she said as I giggled.
"I wanted some fries so we went to get some" I explained.

"But he's a good supportive friend I see why you're cool with him" I said as she nodded "I don't know he may be feeling you Y/N/N" Zendaya said as I shook my head "no I think he's just trying to be nice because he knows we're besties now you two on the other hand" I started off.

"Goodnight you great fucking idiot" she said as I laughed "What?" I asked "goodnight" she simply said then hung up as I was confused but too tired to try and figure out what she was talking about.

I packed my things for tomorrow since I was leaving and then I got in the bed and my phone been vibrating all night. I grabbed my phone turning it on do not disturb then I seen a notification from "The rap up" on twitter congratulating my launch then two other tweets from them one of them said "✨bestfriend goals✨" then had pictures of Zendaya and I. The next tweet was pictures of Tom and I and the speculations started forming they just put emojis they didn't even say anything. "👀❤️"

I went on Instagram seeing hella reposts from tonight and people were really speculating a relationship between Tom and I. I clicked the power button and charged my phone then started watching tv soon falling to sleep.


My alarm went off and I groaned getting up slowly I then looked at my phone seeing Tom texted me. I unlocked my phone.

Tom: good morning love, i will be there in about an hour I just have to finish up a scene💜-15 minutes ago

I jumped out the bed getting into the shower taken a twenty minute shower then got out brushing my teeth then got dressed.

My hair was still in a sleek long ponytail from yesterday I straightened the parts of the ponytail that curled some then did my edges

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My hair was still in a sleek long ponytail from yesterday I straightened the parts of the ponytail that curled some then did my edges.
I grabbed some spray spraying my body then packed the rest of my things up.

I grabbed my wallet and phone as Tom texted me he was in the lobby. I went downstairs kind of nervous because we're going to be sitting down and eating just the two of us no Zendaya no Jacob just Tom and I and I can get shy really fast.

Once I made it downstairs I seen him waiting on his phone with his hoodie on.

"Hey" I said with a smile as he smiled "hey" he said as we started talking asking each other how we slept and how the morning was going so far

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"Hey" I said with a smile as he smiled "hey" he said as we started talking asking each other how we slept and how the morning was going so far. 

We went to an IHOP and I put my hood on also. We got seated and sat down talking. "So how was your night was it everything you wanted or?" He asked me drinking some tea as I smiled.

"I really enjoyed it, it was nice to have my best friend there and to support me, it was nice to also have you and Jacob there talking to my fans so thank you" I thanked as He smiled "it's no problem I enjoyed it too" he said as I smiled "when are you guys going to be done filming?" I asked "in a couple of weeks hopefully by October then we can all go home" he said.

"That's good because you look sleepy" I said as he chuckled. "Ive been up since three but I'm used to it now" he said as I smiled "wait, wait, Spider-Man has an American Queens New Yorker accent how good is your voice Coach?" I challenged him as he chuckled.

"You ready?" He asked as I nodded smiling "I'm at breakfast with a beautiful woman" he started off in an English as I smiled "That I would like to take out for her twenty first birthday" he finished off the sentence in a fluent queens accent as I just sat there shocked.

"Wow" I said shocked as he chuckled "Are you shocked my accent was clear or that i asked you on a date?" He asked in an English accent as I was just shocked altogether.

"Both" I said as he chuckled "but you can take me out I'm not doing anything" I said as he smiled "where do you want to go?" He asked as I smiled "a haunted house I never went to one and I want to go" I said.

"You never went to a haunted house?" Tom asked shocked as I shook my head "Nope and I want to go to the scariest one where they chase you with chainsaws and stuff" I said with an innocent smile as he laughed and I joined.

"What are you doing when you return home?" He questioned "I'm going to my parents house as soon as I land in LA because my mother is freaking out while I'm out here" I started off as he chuckled "why?" Tom questioned "she's very cautious and protective so when I'm not around she's like "yo where you at?" And I'm just like "I'm trying to take a shower what?" I said as we shared a laugh.

"But I'm going to say hi to them and my little sister and pick up my dog from their house" I said "what kind of dog do you have?" He asked "I have a Baby yorkie his name is Rosco" I said smiling as I showed him my home screen of my dog and Tom chuckled "he's so cute" he said then pulled out his phone.

"I got a pit and her name is Tessa I love her so much" he expressed as I smiled then he showed me the picture of her

"I got a pit and her name is Tessa I love her so much" he expressed as I smiled then he showed me the picture of her

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and it was like I was fan girling the dog like how the girls do Tom.

"Oh my gosh she's so adorable is she like mean because you know how pits can be. "She's actually nice she's get excited when she first meets you but then she chills, she's very friendly" he explained as I smiled.

"Awww" I said handing him back his phone "you have any siblings?" I asked as he nodded "i have three and I'm the oldest then it's Sam, Harry and then paddy" he said "so your mom had all boys?" I asked as he nodded "wow" she said as I smiled "do you have siblings?" He asked as I nodded eating some bacon.

"Yeah her name is angel and she's a pain in my ass" I said as he burst out laughing and people around us were looking as we looked at them and smiled.

"Why?" He asked "I don't know she's fifteen and automatically think she's grown like and my parents think it's the funniest thing when we go back and forth, but I love her" I said as he chuckled.

We finished our breakfast and continued talking then it was soon time for me to head to the airport. "Thanks Tom this was really fun" I said as he walked me to the car I drove. He smiled "yeah hopefully we'll be done filming in a month and I can hang out with you in LA" he said as I smiled. "Yeah I would like that" I said as we seen a reporter in a bush taking a picture we just laughed.

"Get home safe darling" Tom said as we hugged each other "alright be safe and congrats on the movie" I said before getting in the car and flashed a smile going to his car. I drove to the hotel got my things and went to the airport boarding the personal jet they had for me as my team started loading on with me.
Once I sat on the couch I went straight to sleep.

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