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An extra update because of the comments I received last chapter I feel so loved🥰-Dajah


It's been almost five months since I seen Tom physically but we've been talking on FaceTime. He expresses everyday how much he misses me and I think it's the cutest thing because he keep trying to get me to come out there while he's filming.

Which since I was missing him also I was thinking about visiting him while he was filming since everyone including him wanted me to be there. I know thanksgiving he wasn't going to see his family or spend time with me for my birthday due to working I was just going to catch a flight and stay with them for a couple of days as a surprise.

I was packing discussing the surprise plan over with zendaya as she was so excited it was unusual. "You're too excited, what you up too?" I asked as she giggled "Nothing just excited" she expressed. "Mmhm you better not say anything to him" I stated making her laugh.

"I'm not but I really think you should come in some lingerie" she suggested "Oh my gosh.No" I said then laughed as she giggled "I'm serious pop up with a trench coat and just... POW!" She exclaimed making me laugh. "Goodbye" I said laughing as she laughed.

"How is filming?" I asked as she sighed "I'm tired I'm ready to go home, then I have to kiss Tom I don't know how you do it" she said with an ill-look making me laugh. "Don't be talking about my boo like that" I said as she giggled.
"But anyway the time you coming down is the time Tom has to film this water scene where they spray him with hella water and he hits his back on this bridge it's cool" she explained about to laugh.

"You are so evil" I simply said as we shared a laughed. "The shit about to be awesome and everyone's been talking about you around here so it's only fair you come out here" she said smiling in the camera causing me to smile.
"And it's freezing out here pack some winter clothes I know you trying to look good for your mans but as you New Yorkers say "it's mad brick out here"" she mimicked as we started laughing.

"Bye Daya!" I said grabbing my phone from the dresser it was sitting on as we continued to laugh. "You think I should bring angel?" I asked. "I mean she doesn't go anywhere with us anymore and she wants too half the time but we're busy" Zendaya started off as I nodded "but... if you and Tom getting a little cozy while you out here then she need to stay in LA" she said as I was trying to take her seriously but I knew she was about to start laughing.

"Daya you get on my fucking nerves I swear" I said as we burst out laughing. "Yeah bring her she can be with me plus it'll be cool for her to see everything and the casts" Zendaya added.
"Yeah I'll let it be a surprise for her but I'm going over to my moms to ask my mother" I informed. "Just let me know so I can let the producers and everyone know" zendaya said.

"Remember Daya it's a surprise for everyone especially Tom" I reminded as she waved me off "call me later I got this" she said as I giggled hanging up and going to my mothers house.

Angel opened the door as I walked in "ew what you want?" She asked as I pushed her out the way. "Go upstairs I need to talk to mommy, grown folk business" I said shooing her away as my mother laughed and nodded her head upstairs for angel to go.

I kissed Cameron's head "what's up?" My mother questioned. "I wanted to see if I could take angel to England for a couple of days if it was okay with you, they're filming spider man and she never goes with me anywhere" I explained.

"Yeah if she hasn't missed a big amount of days from school I have no problem" she said as I smiled "Don't tell her she's going please?" I asked as my mother smiled. I ran upstairs and burst through her door. "Sup bitch!" I yelled as she looked at me crazy from her school work.

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