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We made it to the restaurant as I took the Spiderman toy out the seat belt. "What are you about to do now?" Tom asked "I'm taking him inside you can't leave a child in the car" I said as he was laughing.

I placed the Spider-Man toy on my hip as Tom grabbed my hand and we walked inside then got seated at a booth table as I sat the toy next to me. "Look you better eat now because I'm not cooking when we get back home" i said to the spider man toy as Tom was laughing and recording me.

"Kids they grow up so fast" Tom said as I placed a kids menu in front of the toy. " you guys meet Peter Parker Jr" Tom said as We we're laughing. "He want some apple juice" I stated "no because apple juice gives you the runs peter" Tom said as we continued laughing .

We got our drinks and ordered burgers and fries. "Favorite marvel character?" Tom asked "iron man and loki" I said "damn it still isn't me?" Tom asked jokingly. "Yes iron man because it's Robert Downey jr. and Loki because everyone loves Loki he's funny he's evil but then he's good. You just contemplated on whether or not you were going to tell a girl you were spider man or not your movie and then disappeared in infinity war" I said as he held his chest.

"You are so cruel" he said through his laughs "I'm sorry I had to be the one to tell you but it's okay all the other girls like you" I said drinking my water. "But I want you to like me" Tom said as I giggled. "You are such a baby" i teased as he chuckled.

We were talking then received our food and soon walked out "you didn't have to bring your spider man toy in there" Tom said as I smiled "I know but I wanted too my boyfriend got it for me" i said looking at the toy as she smiled. We got in the car "it's only 9:20 where do you want to go?" Tom asked "there was a sex store" I brought up as Tom laughed.

"Are you serious?" He questioned as I looked at him in all seriousness "yeah it said erotica on the sign in pink" I said as he smirked "okay" he said as I smirked. "Alright we got to be in and out we don't know if reporters is going to pop up so I went on their website, what you getting?" I asked.

"I thought we were just looking around" he said in a chuckle. "Yeah but what if you want something?" I asked as he chuckled parking the car as we hurried and walked in.
Tom instantly disappeared and I just looked around. Out of everything in the store I started looking at candy I wanted something sweet.

I was looking at candy as I felt poking on my butt and I turned around seeing Tom poking me with a sealed closed dildo on my butt as I giggled and pushed him away from me playfully. "I want some gummy bears or something" I said grabbing them "I'm surprised you didn't get the fruit snacks" Tom said handing them to me as I switched them out for the fruit snacks not paying attention to the labels on it.

"Look" Tom stated showing me a pink Bluetooth vibrator. "It has close range control, long distance control, unlimited vibration patterns, syncs to music, silent but powerful vibrations" he read out as I looked at the box with him.

"Waterproof, wireless, lasts up to three hours and there's an app for me to control it" Tom said with a smirk as I looked at him. "No put it back" I said as he chuckled "no I think I want it" Tom stated. "For solo play, foreplay and discreet public play" he read out and smirked looking at me.

"Tom it's almost two hundred dollars I'm not going to let you buy that" I said as he chuckled "let's go" Tom said as I followed him and he placed it on the counter for check out along with my fruit snacks. "your total is $167.04" the guy said as Tom swiped his card and I instantly started eating my fruit snacks sharing it with Tom in the car.

Tom was rapping to Kendrick Lamar as I was recording him and posting him on my IG story in the midst of me recording him I felt myself get wet out of no where. But this wasn't a regular type of wet, It was a water fall to where it started seeping through my shorts some as I groaned trying not to make it noticeable.

I leaned over starting to kiss Tom's neck as he chuckled parking the car in the resorts parking lot. Once he parked I grabbed his chin and kissed his lips slowly and sloppy not caring where we were at. I got out my seatbelt climbing on top of him as he chuckled taking his lips away from mine. "We can't have sex in the car" Tom said in a laugh as I was trying to kiss his neck.

"Why?" I whined "for one the car has no roof" Tom said as I continued kissing his neck. "Come on" he said opening his side door slowly getting out as I whined. He got the black bag as I brought the spider man toy with us holding hand in hand. We got in the elevator and I wrapped my arm around his neck and rubbed his growing bulge.

He leaned down and kissed my neck sloppily as I smiled wrapping my arm around his neck. "What were in those fruit snacks?" He asked in my ear gripping my butt as I giggled "I don't know and I don't even care" I said as I felt his member poke my belly.

We reached our floor as Tom walked out behind me and we got to our door. I pulled out the key feeling him grope and press his member against my butt as I bit my lip and my eyes rolled back before I unlocked the door with the key card.

Tom closed the door behind us as he instantly threw the bag taking off his shirt and I threw the spider man toy on the couch taking off my shorts and top leaving myself in a strapless bra and lace panties.

Tom picked me up as I wrapped my legs around his torso giving his lips sloppy kisses as he returned them back. He sat on the bed as my hands roamed up his chest and I created hickies on his neck.  "Please fuck me" I said as he took my bra off throwing it somewhere.

Tom flipped us over and left sloppy kisses down my chest as he was pulling off my panties along with his pants. I was kissing his lips wrapping My arm around his neck trying to get on top of him but failed and we ended up on the floor beside the bed.

We continued kissing as I felt him slide in and I gripped his back moaning. Tom begin kissing my jaw and neck as I arched my back off the floor. My hands ran through his curls as he was groaning in my ear and whispering dirty things in my ear.

He sat up grabbing my waist pounding into me as I yelped and my hands ran up his chest. I started cumming as he smirked. "Look at you darling, a mess" he groaned as we both looked down at it and started creating gushy noises.

My toes curled as he went deeper and I let out a loud moan. "Daddy right there!" I moaned as he quickened his pace in that spot driving me crazy. I begun to cream once again as he turned me on my stomach grabbing my hips.

I arched my back as he pinned my waist down doing slow powerful strokes. My eyes rolled back as I felt like I was in heaven all of this was definitely well needed.

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