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Christmas came and passed by as it was a success with Y/N meeting my parents. My mum and dad both love her along with Harry, Sam and paddy. We were on our way to France on a private plane. Zendaya came along as Harrison and Jacob did too.

I had my feet up chilling on Instagram and seen Zendaya's story I clicked through seeing a video of her messing with Y/N's feet , tickling her as Y/N was laughing. I smiled and it went to a picture she just took.

Y/N was wrapped in a blanket sitting in front of me on her phone minding her business. "Are you excited?" Zendaya asked her as she shook her head. "You know I don't do planes" she said.

"Just relax and go to sleep" Jacob stated as she shook her head "I can't we're on here for ten hours" she said as she pressed the sleep button on her phone and leaned back in her seat closing her eyes.

"It's not that serious, relax you went to the United Kingdom" zendaya stated "and I damn there almost pissed on myself" she said as I snickered and she looked at me. "You about to start?" She asked me as I chuckled. "It's otay come here tink tink" zendaya said as Y/N got up and sat on her lap then zendaya kissed
Y/N's cheek.

"Jealous?" Zendaya asked teasingly as I chuckled "I really think you're in love with my girlfriend" I stated as they laughed. "I am if you weren't in the picture she'll be my girl" zendaya teased as I placed my middle finger up. Y/N sat next to zendaya as they were talking about her fear with flying.

I placed my feet on the foot rest on my phone scrolling on Instagram then seen a new picture Y/N posted. It was her latest photoshoot and she was on the cover of Ebony magazine and it was beautiful.

"Yo you know what we should do" zendaya started as we all looked at her. "What?" Harrison asked. "We should have a 90's early 2000's party" zendaya said as I nodded.

"Yeah that will be cool" I said agreeing "but when?" Jacob questioned. "We should do it around april" Harrison said. "That's around the time infinity war comes out Tom's going to be working" Y/N said as I touched my chest and felt loved.

"Aww you're looking out for me" I said touched, jokingly as she placed her middle finger up making everyone laugh, I smiled doing it back. Then I placed a chip in my mouth placing my middle finger up again.

Everyone started laughing harder as Y/N placed both her middle fingers up and cheesed as everyone hyped her up laughing and I waved her off laughing.

She laughed and came over sitting on me and hugging me as I chuckled. "Although you started it" she said before trying to kiss my cheek as I was trying to pull away from her laughing.

She sat back across from me with her blanket over her head and wrapped around her body. "Summertime around Tom's birthday" Y/N suggested "yes happy birthday to me" I said cheesing. "She said around your birthday not for" zendaya butted in as her and Y/N burst out laughing.

"You're laughing but we're in the same hotel room" I said before raising my eyebrows and drinking my water while eyeing her as everyone laughed at how fast Y/N died down her laughter once I said what I said.

She placed her middle finger up as I chuckled
"Nah I'm just playing" I stated "anyways" Y/N started off rolling her eyes some and looking at Harrison, Zendaya and Jacob while she had her hand up in my direction.

"He's not invited, so when should we throw this party?" She asked as I threw a pillow at the side of her head making her laugh then she threw it back and got up continuously hitting me with it as I wrapped my arms around her arms and body making her try and break free.

"Ewww I'm going to sleep you two are giving off negative energy" zendaya joked as I chuckled. "No but seriously guys when are we going to have the party?" I asked. "I say June 1st it's a Saturday" Jacob said looking at his phone as we all agreed to it.

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