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It was the end of Y/N's graduation as she was walking talking and taking pictures with different graduates who was in her graduation class. She then walked up to her mother, angel and I dressed in a white dress.

that hugged her curves and a pair of nude red bottoms as she had a red cap and gown over it along with her valedictorian stole. Her hair was in a low long ponytail as she was carrying her degree while her mother took pictures of her smiling hard. Angel and I were recording her as Y/N was walking up to us cheesing.

She hugged her mother as she pulled away from her mother smiling hard at me. We kissed each other lips as she we pulled apart just smiling at each other before unwrapping our arms from each other. We took some pictures together as she took some with her mother then we all took a picture altogether.

She took off her graduation gown leaving her in her dress and valedictorian stole.

She was walking in front of me waving and greeting people as I couldn't help but look down at her butt

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She was walking in front of me waving and greeting people as I couldn't help but look down at her butt. I greeted and waved to some of the graduates taking pictures with fans.

"I'm ready to eat" Y/N sung as I was standing behind her looking down at her butt as she was doing a small dance

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"I'm ready to eat" Y/N sung as I was standing behind her looking down at her butt as she was doing a small dance. "AYO TOM!" I heard someone shout as I looked up seeing a small group of girls and boys smirking at me as I smirked back then chuckled placing my hand on Y/N's lower back walking away trying to get through the crowd.

We were going out to eat for lunch after that Y/N and I were going to chill out in the city for the night before I had to leave in the morning to go back to LA help decorate. Y/N's mother and zendaya were throwing a graduation party for Y/N and Angel but it was a secret for Y/N mostly because she didn't want anything big and isn't expecting a surprise.

Angel knew of the party but kept it a surprise for Y/N. The plan was for Y/N and angel to take their graduation pictures out here tomorrow then catch a flight back to LA and we surprise them when they walk through the door.

"Are you ready to be here?" Y/N asked angel as angel nodded "scared but I'm ready"angel admitted as Y/N smiled placing her arm around angel rubbing her arm. "I'm craving some fries" I admitted as Y/N nodded agreeing. "And some molten lava cake" she added.

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