Chapter 1 The Begining of Lincoln's Hell

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17 March 1967 the loud family were returning from the beach , all of them relaxing and enjoying themselves after such a great day well all but a certain white haired boy.
Lincoln was in the back seat of vanzilla quiet and depressed he was still wearing the squirrel suit because his family would flip out if he took it off already he's shouted at by Lola 3 times to put the head back on it got to the point all the sisters got in on it and since he doesn't want to get in trouble with his parents he just put it back on without much of a debate he turns to us and as usual breaks the fourth wall.

Lincoln: yup it's me again and as you all know I am still am wearing this squirrel costume because my family firmly believe that it's good luck and if I try to take it off they would yell at me, to think all this started because of a stupid baseball game and Lynn blaming me for her team losing God.

Soon it's started to get too hot for the suit but no matter how many times he protested it would always fall on death ears as the louds were believing a child who they lived with for 11 years is all of a sudden bad luck. Lincoln tries to take it off again,

Lori: Put that thing back on now twerp!
Lincoln: But it's too hot to be wearing this thing I'll overheat!
Lori: That wasn't a request twerp it was an order!!!
Lynn: We don't fucking care if you die as long your bloody bad luck dies with you!
Lola: Put it back on or else
Lincoln: But But
Lola: Dad! Lincoln doesn't want to wear the suit!
Lynn Sr: I would put that suit back on if I were you young man otherwise I will make you walk home!
Lisa: But on the contrary father Lincoln is right it is too hot to wear that suit right now if keeps it on he could die
Lynn Sr: Alright fine! you can take off the head son But only for 10 minutes.
Lincoln: Ok dad
For the most part the trip went on smoothly but then Vanzilla hit a pot hole that knocked Lola off her seat and boy was she and the rest of the louds mad, they all glared at him and he knowing better than to bother arguing puts the head back on nothing else happened for the rest of the trip.

When they arrived home Lincoln was shouted at by his parents for removing the squirrel head and he argued he was allowed but like before his argument fell on death ears.

Lincoln returned to his room, the boards were taken off but what he saw inside was jaw dropping his room was bare off anything no furniture, no blankets, no toys, no posters etc it was practically empty except for plastic bins full of clothes and some of his toys but his beloved plush toy bun bun was gone, he couldn't believe it his stuff was gone apparently it was all sold by them like they said it was unbelievable how quickly they became so superstitious about luck and now think he is a luck charm instead of a family member but Lincoln is not surprised, yes he could blame himself for helping spread the ridiculous rumor around the house but what they did to him far exceeds this, as a matter of fact this situation gave him the answer he was always asking himself did his family really ever love him except for a few instances that would be resounding no as he is always blamed for stuff, always targeted and taken advantage of and put in rather controversial and odd situations. Tears coming out of his eyes he just thought to himself families are supposed to love and care for one another but he was more often than not receiving the opposite by his and come to think of it when was the last time they supported him on anything , yes the boy wasn't doing any investing hobbies like his sisters but whenever he trys to his family blow him off like for instance when he tried karate other than his parents nobody even Lynn who does that martial art showed up and the time he stupidly signed up for pageantry Lola and his parents showed up but just to laugh at him and usually when he has an interesting hobby and he wants them to show up his family would usually say this answer why should I/we waste our hard earned money on gas for Vanzilla just to see you fail and embarrassed yourself more importantly us! Go away useless boy!.
As reality hit him he can only cry softly he decides to do what he can do right now and he takes a blanket and lies down on the hard ground and goes to sleep.
That's as far as I am going for chapter 1 But I'm far far far from done with this story we'll see what happens next in chapter 2 later guys

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