Chapter 11 Older sisters mistakes revealed

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Officer Lewis: Hello Lori he says sitting down
Lori: Hello officer she says sitting down
Officer Lewis: I'm sure you know why your here right?
Lori: Yes I do
Officer Lewis: So tell me how is your relationship with your brother?
Lori: Well we aren't close and we often had fun together
Officer Lewis: ok do you love your brother?
Lori: Yes I love my brother a lot
Officer Lewis: So is kicking him out into the cold cruel world and forcing him to wear a mascot suit your way of showing love?
The blonde couldn't answer that question directly because she knew it was a rhetorical question. Officer Lewis I I didn't mean for this to happen, I jus-
Officer Lewis: You just what? You thought it was the right thing to do just because of the popular opinion that he was bad luck? He finished for her with a scolding tone
He watched as the teenager flinched in response clearly beating herself up about that ridiculous reason.
Lori: I didn't know what I was thinking, I just didn't want another date with Bobby to get ruined, and I was scared he might embarrass me in front of some kids from school and destroy my reputation in competitive golf
Officer Lewis: That's still not good enough kid, look your the oldest of the entire loud sibling troop, that means you have a duty to your younger siblings. A responsibility to always watch their backs, same as your parents, you along with them should've known what you did was wrong, and you three were setting a bad example for the younger ones. I mean for Christ's sake your 17, right ?
then in a year your gonna be 18. Legally speaking you'll be an adult, and at that point is when you need to be responsible enough to do the right thing.

Lewis was right. Lori knew that, she was the oldest, and for as long as she could remember, all she has ever done was use that as an excuse to always get her way. She thought it gave her permission to boss around her younger siblings because she had the power to do so, in her mind she thought that everything good in life should be reserved for the first born of the family. And now that she thought about it, Lincoln always did seem to get the worst of it, like when she would get him to do the most gruelling tasks, things that eleven year olds should never have to do in their young lives. Wow, it wasn't until now that she realized that at times, she can be a huge jerk to him for no reason.
Lori: I know. And your literally right about everything, I should've known that kicking him out was the most hurtful, humiliating and brutal thing that could literally happen to a person. And it absolutely never should it have been his own family to do it.
Officer Lewis: So, do you regret it?
Lori: Do I regret it? Of course I regret it! She says as she shook her head,
Lincoln's a good kid, sure he has his faults, but he still was my little brother, I should've been more responsible" her look turned wistful. When mom and dad brought Lincoln home for the first time after he was born, I admit that I was really scared.
Before he was born, I only had to deal with sisters, I was afraid that having a baby brother who wouldn't like me. When I saw Lincoln, I just... he just looked so innocent." She sniffed. And he didn't mind me at all, I knew from then on... she paused tears threatening to be unleashed. that I had to protect that innocence, that he needed a big sister who would always watch him closely and love him. Guess I forgot about that promise! She broke down and cried as she finished

Lewis stayed silent for the rest of it he had heard enough, on to the next one
He got up and accompanied a sobbing Lori back to the holding cell and opened it before calling out Leni
Officer Lewis: Leni Loud! Your needed in the interrogation room, Officer Ryan will see you now
Leni: like ok, she said a little afraid and for once her reaction was justified as she followed Lewis to the interrogation room before sitting down with Ryan who was across from her, Ryan decided to try a more suttle approach with Leni as she was very sweet and caring among the sisters and she was also very sensitive and emotionally fragile from what her parents told him that's why he decided to take her rather than Lewis taking her
Officer Ryan: Ok your Leni right? He asked gently but didn't get a response from the blonde. Look I know your scared right now and I can understand that. Trust me. But, things will progress smoother if you answer my questions, okay?
Though a little hesitant she agrees
Leni: O-O-Okay mister.
Ryan smiled: Good, Now do you know why you and your family are here?
The ditzy blonde gulped before responding.
Leni: We kicked Lincoln out of our house, because Lynn said he was bad luck. But you said it was illegal right?
Officer Ryan: Yes, he nods as he answers. It's very illegal. Not a lot of people like it when someone does that, you know. Because look now the poor kid is at his friends house hiding from all of you. He sighed. Look Leni, you seem like a sweet kid, you don't look like you have a mean bone in your body.
Leni gasped
Leni: There's a thing called a mean bone?
Huh? Ryan blinks in confusion. N-No, that's just an expression, what I'm trying to say is you don't look like the type of person who would treat your brother cruelly. So why did you?

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