Chapter 17 The Day of Reckoning for The Louds Part 1

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A month later
10 May 1967

As Lincoln woke up after a good night's rest, as he was stretching he realized he was still in the McBride household, at first he thought this whole thing was just a funny dream until memories of his call out on his family and setting up their arrests came into his mind and he sighed, Clyde wakes up after hearing Lincoln sighing.
Clyde: Morning buddy, you alright?
Lincoln: Morning Yeah, I'm fine (he said looking down)
Clyde: Something on your mind pal? remember what doctor Lopez said the first step to solving a problem is to admit you have one.
Lincoln: Ok Clyde I'll tell you I'm scared alright I'm scared for what could happen if my ex family get convicted.
Clyde: Why do you even care how they feel after what they done to you?, you should be rejoicing that they're having some bad days and are about to be thrown into hell.
Lincoln: No, I'm very happy that those people are about to answer for their crimes against me, I can't wait for the 15th, I'm just worried about what could happen to me if they are sent away, I could end up in an orphanage or foster care or I could get adopted by some people and never see you guys again he began to hyperventilate
Clyde: There ,there buddy ( he handed him his bag to blow into) relax just take a deep breath.
Lincoln: Ok thanks buddy I'm better now, but still...
Clyde: But nothing Lincoln, look I get it, you're about to enter an uncertain moment in your life and your afraid that's perfectly normal and understandable but one thing is for sure we will always be behind you buddy nothing will ever change that
Lincoln: Thanks Man,he grabs Clyde and pulls him into a hug the two hug it out while unbeknownst to them Clyde's dads were peeking in Clyde's room and found the two before Howard took a picture before they left the room
Harold: Yeap Clyde is a great friend to Lincoln hey howie?
Howard: Your right there, they consider each other the closest thing to brothers they ever had.

Meanwhile at the precinct Lynn Sr and Rita were busy calling and talking to many lawyers who could help them in this case, many lawyers didn't want to help them either because they were disgusted with the couple or because they didn't believe they could win this case with so much evidence against them, but at last they found a lawyer and she was a good one she's only lost 3 cases till this point and has helped a few prime suspects walk away, she's even been involved in high profile cases so they have no choice but to go with her.
Lynn Sr: Thank goodness they put us together in the same cell
Rita: But this is temporary if we are convicted we'll be separated from each other, from our girls and especially from our baby boy!(sniff)
Lynn Sr: Calm down Rita, I know we're in a bit of a pickle and we were denied bail but let's not panic just yet.
Rita: Ok
Lynn Sr: Yes we are in this together no matter what happens and I don't care how long it takes until we are out of this hell hole but one thing is for sure we will get our son back honey I promise you on that!
Rita: We don't know what will happen to him if we are sent down the river, he could be sent to a foster home, he could be sent to foster care or an orphanage like my sister Marilyn was and he might get adopted and we'll never see him again!
Lynn Sr: We'll just have to hope and pray to the good Lord to lead him back to us one day , to give us a second chance so we can redeem ourselves but I'm sure we'll be in for hell before this is all over.
The couple hug each other and brace for the future ahead as their path in life will be decided in just 5 days time.
With the loud sisters they were having breakfast with their maternal grandfather, some finished eating and went to the tv and watched while others were still with him, they all had a rough month, Lola was handed a 3 year ban from pageantry and she was kicked out of the drama team, Lana was forced to hand over all her pets except Izzy and Hops to the local animal shelter or the zoo and she was given several year ban from alligator wrestling, Leni was fired from her job at the clothes store and her job friends disowned her, Lucy got the news she was booted from the drama team from Luan and it rubbed the salt into the wound as she was humiliated as she was deposed as co President of the Mortician's club as Haiku became the president and Silas the deputy president before she was booted out of the club. Luna was kicked out of her band, Lisa was banned from attending a conference in Russia later this year and was fired from her college job. Bobby and Ronnie Anne at some point during month came to the loud house and told off all the sisters on their actions against Lincoln before Bobby broke up with Lori again and Ronnie Anne severly beat up Lynn Jr the other sisters were lucky to escape with some bloody noses or black eyes, and they're still hated on the streets. It was a long painful month but the girls are glad it's finally over but now was the matter of they're parents who in just five days will face the charges against them and hope to survive this nightmare. All of them asked Albert to be excused and they went upstairs to Lori and Leni's room for a sister meeting, they sat down and the meeting commenced.
Lori: Ok girls, We all know why I called this meeting so let's get to the point, with the fact mom and dad are going to court in a couple of days it means we are possibly faced with an uncertain future ahead and if that's not bad enough we are now the town and possibly state's pariahs and on top of that is the incident with Lincoln, yes we have done less than savoury stuff over the years to him but what we did to him just recently was unforgivable and wrong and would most likely make him want nothing to do with us for a while ( she looked down along with the others before she rose her head quickly) but that doesn't mean we can't earn his love back.
Luna dryly chuckled before replying
Luna: You really think so? You heard what he said Lori, the little bro hates us and you know what? Maybe that's how it's so supposed to be, because as far I can tell we don't deserve to be forgiven. (she glared at the ground.)
Lynn Jr: So you want him to hate us forever Luna?, you want him to permanently disregard you as his sister, is that it? (the question only made Luna clench her fists) I don't think sisters like you have to worry, you and him always were pretty close to one another, if anyone deserves to be hated it might as well be me, I'm the one who started this whole mess!, it's like he said I am a sore loser.
Lisa cleared her throat before she chimed in
Lisa: Even so Lynn, the rest of us aren't exactly innocent, I can't even call myself a woman of science due to me believing in a very flawed and useless superstition such as luck. The point I'm projecting to all of you is that all of us or at least the majority of us should've been more considerate of our sole brother's feelings and that our self destructive actions have consequences, so we all share equal blame. Lori is right though, we should try to mend our now broken ties with Lincoln, we owe him that much.

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