Chapter 2 Pageant Disaster

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18 March 1967 royal woods

As morning hits royal woods, Lola was the first loud up she was excited about today as today was the 7th annual miss cute and kind pageant and she was very confident of winning not only because she won pageant after pageant for 2 years straight, it was because of her brother or specificallyhis good Luck charm. As she goes to the shower she runs into Lincoln.
Lola:Hey Lincoln don't forget to bring your suit to the pageant.
Lincoln: yah yah
Lola: If you dare make me lose I will make the rest of your life a living nightmare you got me!
Lincoln: loud and clear
Lola: good now scram!
Lincoln: Ok Ok!

Later on the whole family were in such a rush to get to Lola's pageant they leave Lincoln behind for him it's a lucky break.
Lincoln: I just hope they don't realize I'm not there and more importantly Lola wins again I don't want to be blamed for her loss, I'm taking off this bloody thing
As Lincoln removes the suit and relaxes the rest of the family have arrived at the pageant.

Rita: Do your best honey we are proud of you
Lola: yes mommy then she runs off to line up with the other contestants.
Lola: I just hope Lincoln doesn't screw me up or else he's a dead man.
Luan: I hope she wins or else Lincoln is in some big doo doo hahaha get?
Loud sisters: groans

Later on the judges were about to announce the winner and everyone was waiting with baited breath.

Announcer: and the winner is...

Lola smiles expecting her name to be called
Announcer: Lindsey Sweetwater!
Loud family: what!
As the announcer and gift givers give Lindsey her prizes
Lola was shocked and fuming, in her mind how the hell could I have lost I did a great job I brought Lincoln here and then she immediately turns to confront him but finds he's not there
And runs to the rest of the louds
With the family they are still scratching their heads on how did Lola lose?
Lola: where's Lincoln?
Lynn Sr: well he's right here pointing at an empty seat and then everyone realizes whose missing
Lori: I literally can't believe this but we forgot Lincoln!
Lynn: no wonder Lola lost that white baboon is at home hogging all of his good luck!
Lana: I'd say we go teach him a lesson!
Loud sisters: yeah
Lynn Sr: Yeah let's get out of here!

And they all jump into Vanzilla and speed off towards the loud house

Meanwhile Lincoln was hanging out with his two buddies Clyde and Liam watching Ace savvy and drinking some rootbeers.
Liam: Yup this is the life, hey guys
Lincoln: True that
Clyde: You said it
As they are relaxing the door bursts open and Lynn immediately charges in and grabs Lincoln
Lynn: I knew I'd catch you not wearing that suit!
Liam: Suit?? what in tarnation are you on about Lynn
Lola: Shut up buck tooth!
Lori: You are gonna pay for screwing us up!
Lola: if it wasn't for you I would've won by now!
Lincoln: wait a minute if it wasn't for me I didn't influence the judges and how many times should I tell y'all I'm not good luck or...
Lynn: your bad luck!
Clyde: what's wrong with you guys he didn't do nothing and what's the meaning of all this!
Lynn Sr: Shut up negro! or I'll lynch you!! Clyde immediately went quiet cowering in fear
Rita: Girls punish him and his friends
The loud sisters than attacked the three boys and beaten them up badly Leni:if you screw us up again you will regret it.
The boys are left to lick their wounds
Liam: Lincoln what happened
Lincoln: I'll explain later.

That's all for chapter 2 everyone you just saw the lengths the louds are willing to go to make Lincoln wear that suit but things are gonna get worse cya in chapter 3

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