Chapter 9 A Call for Help and a family taken away

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Emergency Dispatcher: what!
Lincoln: Yes I'm laying a charge against them
Emergency Dispatcher: Ok what happened?
Lincoln: They thought I was bad luck just because my sister Lynn lost a baseball game since she never lost the season with me not there ,but loses the one time I show up and immediately blamed me for the loss!
Emergency Dispatcher: Ok what else happened?
Lincoln: She started to spread the rumor of me being bad luck around the house I also helped by lying that I was but it was just so I can relax because they never let me relax.
Emergency Dispatcher: Didn't the parents do anything to stop this?
Lincoln: No! In fact when this rumor finally got to them they started to leave me out of things and it got to the point they threw me out of the house!
Emergency Dispatcher: They didn't! She said as she couldn't believe what she's hearing
Lincoln: Yeap they did it's not just one night I spent 2 months out there! And it didn't even stop there!
Emergency Dispatcher: Ok go on
Lincoln: When I told them the truth that I wasn't bad luck so they let me back in they didn't believe Me! and locked all the doors and windows! One time I tried to find my way out off this by sneaking into my sister's baseball game disguised as a squirrel mascot and she won and they apologized but after they immediately started forcing me to wear that damn thing daily so they can get their supposed good luck and they even sold my furniture
Emergency Dispatcher: Ok I got the point ,it's clear your living in a abusive household tell me what's your name?
Lincoln: Lincoln maam, Lincoln Loud
Emergency Dispatcher: and your parents?
Lincoln: Rita loud and Lynn Loud Sr
Emergency Dispatcher: Ok thanks for the call we'll handle this in the morning you just go bunk with your friends for the night
Lincoln: Thank you Miss?
Emergency Dispatcher: Just call me Amanda Adams Lincoln
Lincoln: Thank you Amanda
Amanda Adams: No problem and she hangs up
As Lincoln continues on his way towards Clyde's house the louds were still searching for Lincoln unaware of what's coming their way in hours. In order to cover more ground they split into three groups with Lori, Leni and Luna searching around in the neighborhoods and homes as most likely Lincoln didn't go that far, Lynn Sr, Luan and Lucy were searching in town while Rita was driving Vanzilla with Lynn Jr sitting next to her up front and the rest of the younger sisters in the back but the hours tick by from 18:00-00:00 and everyone was getting tired as the baby of the family lily already was sleep as they continued looking but alasa not a trace of Lincoln is found with the 3 oldest girls
Luna: Lincoln! Lincoln! Lincoln! Bro please comeback we are sorry! She cried out for the umpteenth time
Lori: Luna if he was around here we would've found him by now and I feel like we are literally walking in circles she says as she sees the same tree for the third time
Luna: Lori you know damn well we can't call this search off! It's our fault he ran away and besides he's only eleven years old!
Lori: I know your worried Luna, I am too!
Luna: That's funny as if memory serves me right you used a lot more as an ottoman than an actual brother
Lori: What? Excuse me? You had just as much fault in this as I do
Leni: Guys?
Luna: says the girl who made us do ridiculous chores for a stupid car ride?
Leni: Guys! Leni spoke louder
Lori: Look whose talking need I remind you and Luan almost beat him up for no reason during that stupid sister fight protocol
Luna: That one was on all of us! and that crappy protocol wouldn't have been utilized had you showed your really the oldest and let Leni have the same dress as you! And while we're at it why don't we mention the times you threatened to turn him into a human pretzel just for entering your room! And how much of an asshole you are to him since you got out of your quote unquote "awkward stage"
Lori: Your one to talk Rock bitch! Did you forget that you once literally blew him away into the wall with your damn sound equipment!
Luna: Ok how about we bring that attitude you always get when mom and dad go....
Leni: You Guys!!! She shouted
Lori and Luna: What!!
Leni: Fighting won't help us find Linky faster and like you totes woke up the whole neighborhood.
Both girls looked around at all the lit up homes no doubt workers having their much needed sleep disturbed by the senseless shouting The three decided to continue looking quietly but they knew Leni is right and the three girls can't help but feel even more guilty about the whole thing as all Lincoln wanted was time to himself and they unknowingly tried to push him out of their lives like he's a thief invading their home. Of all the older loud sisters Leni and Luna were largely considered to have been the closest to having a good relationship with their brother, Lori is known for having a rocky relationship with Lincoln but deep down she loved him like a mother just like she did with the really young siblings.
Meanwhile withLynn Sr, Luan and Lucy
Luan: Dad she yawns
Lynn Sr: Yes honey
Luan: Don't you think we should go home we got school tomorrow
Lynn Sr: Luan you know we can't stop searching for my son and your brother
Luan: Ok
Lucy: Don't you guys think we should call the police and let them search for Lincoln?
Both Luan and Lynn Sr were immediately alarmed with her suggestion
Luan: Don't ever mention the cops again you hear Me! You know what they'll do to us if they get us to explain why Lincoln ran away or what would happen if they find him and he tells them why he ran away?
Lucy: No why?
Lynn Sr: Trust me Lucy you don't want to know
Lucy: Ok
As the three continue their search they can't help but go through their individual relationships and memories with Lincoln and shockingly off the three it's Lucy who had the fondest memories and the best relationship with Lincoln Lynn Sr wasn't that close to his son and he realized that just now they never even did anything together without Rita or the girls Luan knows she's the third closest sister among the 5 older ones to have a good relationship with him and that saddens her as she has done a lot of damage to their relationship over the past year.
With the last group of louds
Rita was still driving all over searching for her son she can't believe that she actually agreed with the girls to remove Lincoln from the house over something as stupid as bad luck but she didn't expect him to lash out at them like that and she couldn't believe Lincoln kicked 9 of 10 daughters asses all at once leaving her and Lynn in shock until he tried to leave she felt she was not a mother with her involvement in all this and what's worse after 6 hours of searching they have nothing to show for it everyone else in the van are asleep except for Lynn Jr and Rita
With Lynn Jr, she can't even begin to comprehend what happened but once she put it all together, she was mad at first not only did Lincoln insult her skills ,badly injured her and kick her ass in a fight. he robbed her of the chance to go to the quarter finals with the squirrels because of these injuries on her inflicted by him all he had to do was except he was good luck but he had to come and tell everyone off as well as beat everyone up if he didn't want to be called bad luck he shouldn't have gone with her accusation and now everyone is distraught and desperate to find him because he was too much of a sissy to stay in the house but that was her pride getting in the way again!
She had to knock her anger down to see the truth after a few months of making Lincoln suffer from embarrassment and heat stroke from that suit along with the physical beatings the family would give if he didn't want to wear it abd then being blamed for the misfortunes it's not hard to understand why Lincoln finally lost it all this on top of all the abuse she gave him for years and the icing on the cake was her immaturely blamed Lincoln for her loss and single handedly made the rest of the louds not believe him when he confessed his bad luck was fake which only made this whole thing get out of control even further in short Lynn felt like a bitch
Lynn: maybe Lincoln was right I am a sore loser
Rita: Don't say that honey
Lynn: It's true mom if it wasn't for me behaving like a moronic winner who can't take a loss none of this would've happened!
Rita: Ok I get your guilty, I am too in fact we all are what kind of family are we towards Lincoln?
Lynn: A family from hell!
Rita: Junior watch your language! But it's pointless to continue searching I think it's best we call it off we got work in the morning and y'all got school tomorrow
Lynn: I don't care about school mom all I want is Lincoln I want to apologize to him for my part in all of this which is the biggest
Rita just stays silent before she parks and texts the other two groups to call it a night and comeback to Vanzilla little do they know tomorrow they're in for a rude awakening
With Lincoln he made it to the McBride residence 3 hours ago and got settled in, the 3 oldest girls were here 2 hours ago and shocking even though Clyde was face to face with Lori he didn't pass out or anything like that the anger he had for the louds helped him and his bromance with Lincoln helped him stay standing and normal Lincoln was hidden from them. After the sisters left He told Clyde's dads everything they needed to know about the luck incident and they were shocked and angry at his family before Lincoln told them he already called the police on the louds now as he sleeps he can only smile as his former sisters and parents were about to pay for their actions.

The next day
The louds were sleeping soundly in their house until a few squad arrived at their doorstep and started pounding the door
Police officer: Police open up!
One by one the louds saw a slew of police men and women outside urgent to get inside until Rita and Lynn Sr open for them
Lynn Sr: hello officers what can we do for you?
Police officer: Hello are you Lynn Loud Sr?
Lynn Sr: Yes that's me
Police officer: and are you Rita Loud?
Rita: Yes why?
The cops only turned to each other and nodded heads before grabbing the couple and cuffing them
Police officer: Lynn Sr and Rita your under arrest for Child abandonment and physical abuse and for ousting a minor from his home , you have the right to remain silent anything you say will be used against you in the court of law you have the right to an attorney if you can't get them the court will assign one to you. The loud sisters immediately try to stop the arresting of their parents
Lori: No why are you arresting them
Police officer: these two broke the law so they have to come with us in fact since you girls were also in on this your also under arrest get em boys!
And the police quickly round up all the sisters before hauling all the louds into the back of squad cars and police vans except for Lilly who sits up front with a female officer all of them must have knew at that point Lincoln was behind this and little do they know this is just the beginning of hell for them

And it's over finally the louds have been arrested took a while to finish this but at least I'm done I still got exams to do so don't think I'm gonna update again soon this is a once off but I got an announcement to make soon I'll close this story HLDF begin part 2 were the real fun starts this part only has 5-7 chapters left in it just a heads up and I can't waitto write more when I'm done with finals I'll see you then bye

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