Chapter 20 Goodbye Royal Woods Hello South Africa

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The following day Lincoln woke up to face the world again as he was preparing for life outside the United States, he knew he what was going on in the country that was to be his new home all the racial aggression whites have down there against blacks including the famous sharpville massacre and he will be right in the middle of the action. but enough of that he turns to face us again
Lincoln: Yeap my life has hit an all time low in order to be free from my oppressors called my family I'm going to a damn war zone.
He got up and went to take a shower

Meanwhile Lynn Sr and Rita were separated and shown their new cells and mates
Officer Ryan: Ok Lynn you are assigned to cell B 4 your new home for the next 10 years
Lynn Sr: Ok. as he steps inside before meeting a fellow inmate
after locking Lynn's cell Ryan takes Rita to her cell and opens it
Ryan: Ok Rita this is your new home for the next 10 years
Rita: Ok officer she says as she steps in
before meeting her roommate
female inmate: Hey bitch, what are you in for?

With Lori she was moved to the same jail as her parents and was put in a cell with two African American children a boy and a girl her age
Boy: Wow two pussys can't wait to get them
Lori: watch it asshole
Girl: Yeah back off
Boy: or what?
The guards stop the confrontation
With the rest of the older sisters they are all sent to their separate cells in Hazeltucky Juvenile detention center 30 miles from the jail
For Leni this is the definition of scary as she does not now what could happen in this time frame to her parents, Lori, her younger sisters and especially her little brother Linky
Luna was crying as she lay on the bed she knew she and the rest deserved this for what they did and after hearing what he said at their sentencing she was heartbroken and hoped that one day Lincoln would finally find it in his heart to forgive them.
With the rest of them they were all crying or depressed especially Lynn Jr of the future their facing and were especially ashamed of themselves but they know that they'll have to pay for their crimes and just brace for the future ahead

The younger sisters were moved to Detroit's new beginnings orphanage
and shown their rooms Lola and Lana luckily got the same room but the others were forced to share with other kids, Lucy was outside writing in her book she was very depressed of what happened and also she was very frightened remembering her interview with Ryan and how he told her all this will happen and he was right, Lisa came out to talk to her older sister
Lisa: Hello dark sibling, I'm sorry to interrupt your thoughts about our brother, but do you mind me spending some time with you?
Lucy: No, There is no problem with that
Lisa: Ok (she sits next to her)
Lucy: So tell me do still you think we can make things right with our brother?
Lisa: For now no but when we get out of here we will, we owe him that much Lucy
Lucy: Ok then, sigh

22 June 1967
The big day

After a week of being treated like a king by his classmates and schoolmates with even the likes of Chandler thinking he's cool and even being elected hall monitor and being courted by every beautiful girl in school. Lincoln's time here was over and he had to leave, Clyde and all his other friends skipped school today to accompany him to the airport the government had paid for the trip and found a good orphanage there and they had a member of the mayor's office escort him to South Africa too
as Lincoln was packing his bags into the McBride car Ronnie Anne and Bobby arrive in their car and quickly rush towards Lincoln before hugging him
Ronnie Anne: Thank God you didn't leave yet I would never forgive you if you left me without saying goodbye
Lincoln: Don't worry Ronnie I would've called you
Bobby: Yeah bro don't scare us like that
Lincoln: Sorry Bobby
Howard: Yeah that's the last of it let's get in Lincoln's plane will be leaving soon
They all got in all three cars and travelled towards Detroit Metropolitan wayne airport
Executive Assistant: flight to South Africa
Flight receptionist: how many are going?
Executive Assistant: Just two me and him he places the tickets I have a return ticket too but he'll be staying over there.
Receptionist: Ok go through customs
Executive Assistant: Thanks
They all head to customs once everything was checked out they started placing their bags on a loading wagon which takes the luggage to the conveyerbelt which sends the luggage into the cargo hold.
All his friends hug him
Girl Jordan: Damn I'm gonna miss you man take care of yourself out there before she kisses him on the cheek
Clyde: Good luck buddy enjoy yourself out there before they fist bump
Rusty: Good luck old friend out in Africa man and bring back some African girls
They all share a laugh
Liam: Goodbye Lowdy and stay out of trouble
Paige: Enjoy yourself out there and don't forget to write before she also kisses him
Bobby: Have fun out there bro, we promise to visit
All of them: Yeah we will
Ronnie Anne: Goodbye Lameo gonna miss whipping that ass of yours and standing up for you and of course I am gonna miss your dorky ass, smell you later
Lincoln: Same goes to you Ronnie.
Ronnie then grabs him and pressed her lips on his it was the last kiss these two would ever share
Lincoln: Thanks guys I'll never forget all of you and I promise I will come back one day. before they join in a Group hug then they hear the intercom
intercom: Flight 350 to South Africa is about to leave boarding is almost over
Executive Assistant: Oh snap that's our que let's go Lincoln
The two run quickly and get aboard just in time, they find their seats and sit down As Lincoln looks out the window as the plane takes off and sees his friends waving goodbye and he does the same
as he heads into the wild blue yonder
Clyde turns to Ronnie Anne who was sniffing
Clyde: Are you crying?
Ronnie Anne: No I'm sweating through my eyes!
for hours Lincoln and the assistant ate their lunch and dinner and slept and enjoyed the long flight

After 17 hours they arrive at their destination in Johannesburg after landing and collecting their luggage they got into the hire car and went to the orphanage on the way Lincoln is in awe at his surroundings this city is bigger than great lakes city and royal woods combined and after a 30 minute drive they arrived at the Johannesburg Children's home
and they ran into the receptionist beautiful white lady with blonde hair
Receptionist: Good morning sir welcome to Johannesburg Children's home I'm Natasha Riebeck how can we help you
Executive Assistant: Morning miss my name is Peter Stones and I'm from the United States of America and I'm here to handover this little boy into your care the same one we called you about last week?
Natasha Riebeck: Oh yeah so this is Lincoln as she looks at him he backs up yeap definitely American never seen a person with this hair color unless they're old
Peter Stones: Ok then here's his forms and all that important documents of his let me sign him over to you
He quickly signs all the paperwork
Peter Stones: Yeah that's over officially he is in your care and I suggest for the number of years he's here he gets a citizenship
Natasha Riebeck: Ok thanks sir we'll take it from here, I promise you he's in good hands
Peter Stones: Ok let me talk to him for a second
Natasha Riebeck: Ok
He pulls Lincoln outside for a second
Peter: Ok Lincoln I'm leaving now, I know this place is new to you but stay out of trouble and behave yourself and listen to miss Riebeck Ok?
Lincoln: Ok sir I promise
Peter: Thanks
They head back inside
Peter: Yes let me take my leave I believe I'm leaving him in good hands
Natasha: Yes you are goodbye Mr stones
Peter: Goodbye miss Riebeck
and he leaves and enters his hire car and drives away
Natasha: Ok yah Lincoln let's get you into your room
Lincoln: Ok mam
They head into the room it was beautiful and spacious and had a tv and bunk beds meaning Lincoln was going to share this room with someone or some people
Natasha: do you like it?
Lincoln: Yes I do
He placed his bags on the bed and went to the window
Natasha: Ok cool I'll leave you to get used to it and your roommates and since everyone else is currently having breakfast and playing you wanna eat in your room?
Lincoln: Yes that plane ride made me hungry
Natasha: Ok then don't forget Lincoln this is now your home too, I'll be back soon
she closes the door behind her and goes to get some food for him
Lincoln stares at the window and sighs he might not be used to it yet but he knew he would have to call this place home for a while, a long while

AN:Done I'm done with part 1 this was a heck of a journey finally Lincoln is in South Africa and he is getting acclimated with the new world and the louds are incarcerated but this is not the end of the story like I said in the beginning this is a 3 part story So hang on to your hats for part 2 I'll update the first chapter of part 2 by the end of the day at least or by Monday at most and just a fun game guys try to guess the year the loud parents and older sisters will be released and what could happen to the younger sisters and how Lincoln will handle this new world please comment cup guys in Part 2

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