Chapter 15 The Truth Revealed to The World Part 1

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25 April 1967
10 days later
The sisters have been staying with pop pop for 10 days since they were released from their 3 day stay in jail they have been keeping a safe distance from him during that time fearing he could lash out again but they know they deserve it for being horrible sisters to their one and only brother they're all in their rooms currently
With Lori and Leni, the oldest was on her bed texting as best she could during these times trying to get her mind off of what's befell her family, she sometimes wished she was born in the new century where technology would solve her problems but it is what is as she puts the phone down as her friends for days now have been ignoring her calls and messages at first she thought they were just busy but overtime the 17 year old realized that this was more serious than she expected. She than turns to Leni who had red eyes she'd been crying for some time as she is still haunted by Albert's words and by Lincoln's words she couldn't forget what they said before turning to Lori
Leni: Lori, Are we bad sisters?
The first born was taken aback by her younger sister's question but she answered
Lori: No we're not,we just did some bad things
Leni: Do you think Linky and Pop Pop will hate us forever? She sniffed as she finished asking
Lori: I don't know Leni but Pop Pop can't stay mad at us forever, he'll forgive us trust me
Leni: What about Lincoln?
Lori: Him too
Leni: Lori You saw how mad he was and he wasn't just angry he had hate in his eyes even if we do get him to forgive us, what about mom and dad?
All these were good points made by Leni which is very rare and Lori couldn't help but to agree with her she too noticed the hateful fire in Lincoln's eyes directed at all of them so it will take time to fix their now broken bond with him.
With Luna and Luan
In the room of the rocker and the comedian both were clearly depressed about the whole situation Luan was a mess but Luna was a wreck
Luan: I'm the worst sister in the world
Luna: join the club dude she sniffed
With Lynn and Lucy both of them were silent one was bouncing a ball on the ground the other writing in her book with her pet bat fangs who was sleeping on the ceiling above her head before Lynn got up and picked up a football and went outside
Lynn: I'm going out Luce, I got practice for a game on the weekend
Lucy: Ok
She closed the door, Lucy was irritated by her older sister's insensitivity it was her damn sports that put her and her family in this situation.
Lola was heading down stairs and found her grandfather asleep on the couch with a newspaper on his face and he was snoring, she didn't want to do this but she needed to know where she and her sisters stood with their maternal grandfather So she woke him up shaking his arm
Lola: Pop Pop?
Albert: Huh! What? Oh it's you Lola, what do you want honey?
Lola: Do you hate us? She asked shaking
Albert: No, Sweetheart I don't hate you or your sisters or my son in law or my daughter
Lola: Thank God, so does that mean you forgive us?
Albert: Lola, I'm your grandfather I will always love you and everyone else nothing will ever change that
Albert: But I'm still very disappointed in all of you, you shouldn't have done all that to your brother he deserves better than that so for that it will take a while but I will forgive all of you
Lola: Oh Ok but...
Lana: Lincoln is very mad at us and said he never wanted to see us again
Albert: I think it's best we leave him alone now for everyone's sake
Both twins: Ok
Lisa and Lilly were watching tv and overheard the conversation before silently nodding that for now Lincoln must best be avoided and since trial is coming they must all brace themselves

The next day
Lincoln was with Clyde and Mollie walking to school
Mollie: Yeah at least they're getting what they deserve Linc
Lincoln: True, I know they're my parents but I can't even pity them because of what happened
Clyde: Yeah man perfectly understandable
The trio continue chatting as they make their way towards their school while passing a paper boy who was trying to sell the paper as usual But they don't hear what he said after this
Paper boy: Extra!, Extra!! Read all about it! Local..
Clyde: Can't wait for our hangout tonight and tomorrow since it's the weekend
Lincoln: Hell Yeah!
Mollie: Rad!!
The trio make it inside the school after they enter all the other students just stopped what they were doing and looked at them some with guilty faces and others with emotionless ones. The three head to homeroom
Boy Jordan: Can't believe I picked on him
Cat: We're we that stupid not to realize he was having trouble at home
Penelope: We bullied him because he was weird but apparently his whole family are insane and the kid's weirdness was a cry for help
Chandler: Wow can't believe Larry had it that rough if only we knew right boys
His Goons: Yeah boss
Hall monitor: Well let's all meet up after school and discuss this but for now let's head to our classes
They all split up
At Royal woods high school
Lori and Leni were trying to get their minds off their parents and Lincoln as they headed to their friends during lunch they grabbed their lunches and sat down
Lori: Hey girls
No response they were just stared at in fact it seemed the atmosphere was livelier before they showed up and now the fun in the air immediately died down.
Lori: Uhm girls?
Carol looked to the others
Carol: Let's go girls
Immediately after she said that they all got up and were about to abruptly leave Lori chased them
Lori: Wait, guys!, Where are you all going?
Becky: Away from you two!. She replied coldly
Leni's lips quivered
Leni: G-Girls W-why?
Lori: I don't get it, what's this all about?
Dana: We know what happened Lori. To your brother Lincoln and what you and the rest of your family did to him, it's been all over the papers and the news and she tosses a newspaper at Lori
Lori: What do you mean? Until they heard a paper boy shouting
Paper boy: Extra!!, Extra!!! Read all about it! 11 year old kicked out of his own home! Witnesses say he was a forced to wear a good luck suit to allow him back in!!!
Both of their eyes widened in horror as they read the headlines and they had everything, the details surrounding how this incident down of how they made him sleep outside because he was apparently "bad luck" along with witnesses who saw them force him to wear that squirrel suit in public and often blame and berate him and sometimes even beat him for things not going their way and as a result the parents were arrested and there was photos for everyone to see. Now Lori was berating herself for not checking the news or reading the morning paper as of late, otherwise she would've seen this coming and prepared herself and the other sisters for the inevitable backlash.
Lori: Guys, please just let us explain..
Becky: Explain what, Lori? She cut the loud off, not wanting to hear her excuses. That you kicked your own little brother out, that you forced him to sleep outside because of something incredibly dumb like bad luck?, Are you fucking kidding us!
Carol: Not to mention you and your asshole family use him like a punching bag and a scapegoat to takeout your failures out on and beat him up like a mule!
Whitney: We never expected something like this to happen, we especially never took you two for being cruel to your own brother!
Natasha: He could've died!
Lori flinched under the harsh tone, but in her heart she knew the girls were telling the truth.
Leni: B-But we didn't mean to get him hurt!
Dana: That's what happened, Leni!, that little cutie did get hurt more than once! And it was all your fault!
Natasha: I'm sorry but this is goodbye consider this friendship over!
They all began walking away from the two blondes and now former besties
All the two could do was reel over how their friends, the ones they've known for a long time just straight up ended their beautiful sisterly friendship that they all shared, and now began to notice other students had heard the news flash from the paper boy or the commotion but not out of curiosity but two give their own looks of disgust and disappointment, Leni couldn't take it anymore and she ran away in tears followed by Lori who took out her phone.

She desperately needed to let the others know, starting with the next loud on the birth list.

Still got more to do I might update again tomorrow but now the secrets out the louds are about to be turned into the very thing they made Lincoln into outcasts let's see how they like it thanks guys I'll update soon bye

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