Chapter 8 Escape and Seek Revenge

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Later that night

Lincoln was still on the run, after his fight with the louds he ran as fast as he can away from them after a few blocks he stopped huffing and puffing and then realized he was all alone, he had nobody to call mom, dad or even sister no more, depression and sadness finally got their chance on the boy, He felt like a burden to the louds, they always had a good time without him and when he's involved he made things worse, As he sobs away the pain something in his heart reminded him of two things he must 1 call Clyde to stay over and the other get revenge

Meanwhile With the rest of the louds

They were licking their wounds inflicted on by Lincoln and mentally replayed what he said to them and what they did to him, they finally realized what they done well except for one, they put him through hell. Especially the parents as they realize it since they remember telling him and the girls that they would never throw them out and now they broke that promise and alienated him once again as they all face each other it takes a century but Luna finally gets up and is about to head out the door when
Lola: where are you going Luna?
Luna: Isn't it obvious?? I'm off to look for my brother!
Lori: You mean our brother
Luna: Really coz I don't see any of you getting up to go look for him?? Am I the one here who cares about him?
Lynn: Oh wow Luna you cared about him well if memory serves me right you went along with all of this and used him and that useless suit like the rest of us!
Luna: Can you for once shut up Lynn don't you think I feel horrible about my part in this? That's why I'm doing what anyone who loves their siblings or kids she looked at the parents would do in this situation!
The rest of the family immediately looked down in shame but Luna is right if they want even the smallest amount of hope of Lincoln forgiving them they have to prove they love him and care about him.
That speech convinced the others to follow Luna and go find Lincoln
Lynn Sr: Alright everyone into Vanzilla we gonna go find and I don't care if we search all night but we'll find him and work things out with him
Immediately everyone runs out the door and boards Vanzilla and she wakes up from it's sleep the family embarked on a journey to find Lincoln

Meanwhile Lincoln was busy calling Clyde and so far he had no luck
Lincoln: Dang it pick up man
Finally he picked up
Clyde: hey buddy
Lincoln: hey man look can I come live with you for a while
Clyde: why what happened?
Lincoln then tells him what happened earlier today up until he ran from the house and when he finishes Clyde is shocked
Clyde: wow man that's heavy well I'm glad you finally stood up to them.
Lincoln: Yeah so can I come live with you I have nowhere else to go
Clyde: it's cool but let me go ask my dads first hold on
He runs to his dads who are in the kitchen and tells them
Clyde: Dad, dad can I talk to you?
Harold and Howard: Yeah sure no problem
Clyde: Lincoln ran away from his family and needs a place to stay, can he come live with us for a while?
Both men are shocked at hearing this why would Lincoln run away from his home? wouldn't his parents and sisters be worried sick? They definitely had to hear more from him so they agreed
Harold: Ok he can come over and stay with us.
Howard: but we need to talk to him first so we can understand what's going on
Clyde knew why but he felt it wasn't his business to tell them why he ran away only Lincoln can do that
Harold: so where is he anyway??
Clyde: we were talking on the phone let me go tell you agreed
He runs back to his room
Clyde: hello Lincoln, yeah my dads said yes so are you coming to us or should we fetch you??
Lincoln: I already started walking in your house's direction I'll come to you guys
Clyde: Ok cool see you then he hangs up
Lincoln stops halfway and hides behind a bush as he sees his abusers in Vanzilla driving past looking for him.
Lana: I hope we find him as she yawns
Lola: We will find him! Lola says equally tired but more cranky because of the pain grrr he just had to run away like that and you had to punch him Lynn didn't you

Lynn didn't respond as she was deep in her own thoughts about the whole thing
All the other louds just kept calling out Lincoln's name and kept saying they're sorry out of open windows , hoping he shows himself
After they're gone he immediately stops advancing to the McBride house at least for the moment to call the police on his family he digs out his phone and dials the number and they answer
Call receiver: 911 what's your emergency
Lincoln: Good evening mam I want to open a case on my family
Call receiver: for What?
Lincoln: Physical child abuse and child abandonment.

And done another chapter out but sadly it's the last for a month as I got final exams starting from tomorrow so don't hate me for not updating with that out of the way as you guys can see the louds have pushed Lincoln to breaking point now he just called the police and is reporting to them about the luck incident oh boy I don't want to be in the louds shoes right now we'll see what happens in the next chapter which won't be for a while chiao

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