Chapter 19 The Day of Reckoning for The Louds Part 3 With a Shocking Twist

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Later on that day the family and their lawyer were gathered around the living room discussing what they can do about the upcoming verdict and Lincoln's testimony
Lynn Sr: Ok guys I know things look bad but it's better we keep positive
Lori: Dad there's nothing to be positive, we were beaten up by Lincoln before he ran away, we got arrested and interrogated like common thugs, we became the country's most hated family, we were tortured for weeks by a great advocate and we shot ourselves in the foot by telling the world that he's a brat and a waste of space and now we are about to be sent to jail she finished before crying
Lana: Yeah and now we are about to be punished
Lola: I just hope they send all ten of us to the same foster home!
Cynthia Winters: Well honey, you'll be lucky to be with your any of your sisters, According to the state of Michigan if they do issue out a guilty verdict then Lori since she was tried as an adult will be sent to jail with her parents and everyone from Leni up until Lynn will be heading to a juvenile detention center and only you Lucy, Lana and Lisa will be heading to an orphanage or foster care. All the louds gasped at the thought of such a future but there was nothing they could do to stop it.
Leni: Can't we talk to Linky and beg him to drop the charges?
Cynthia Winters: No what we can do is try to convince the court to give you a lighter sentence.
Rita: But we can't go back in there please there must be another way
Cynthia Winters: I'm sorry but that's all I have. she looks at her watch. oh god I need to run home see you tomorrow.
Loud Family: Goodbye
She left the louds decided to call it a night since they have a big day tomorrow.
With Lincoln he was with his friends enjoying themselves
Girl Jordan: Wow damn and I thought my extended family are messed up but yours take the cake.
Lincoln: Yeah your right, I just wish i could choose the family I was born into.
Rusty: Yeah I would too if I were you man.
Clyde: So guys have you about the new ace savvy comic book and that they'll be making another movie about him?
Lincoln: Yeah I heard about it how about you guys?
Ronnie Anne: I sure as hell did
Rusty: Me too
Liam: Darn tooten
Zack: Yeah guys I think we should go to Gus,get some pizza and hit the hay we have a big day tomorrow.

The following day
14 June 1967
Everyone made it to court early and sat down.
Prosecutor: All rise!! they got up before sitting down again. Ok can Mr Lincoln Loud come to the stand
Lincoln got up wearing a black suit and black shoes with an orange tie he approached the stand and looks out as he was face to face with his parents and sisters
Prosecutor: Lincoln do you promise to speak the truth all the truth and nothing but the truth in the mighty name of Jesus Christ?
Lincoln: Yes I promise to speak the truth
Prosecutor: You may begin when your ready
Lincoln: Ok I when I was brought into this world, I thought I was gonna be loved and supported by my new family but overtime I realized I was wrong even before this incident happened I was often picked on, beaten and humiliated by my So called sisters and often I would be punished most of the time without reason by those two masquerading as my parents (he gestured towards Lynn and Rita) like for example once I volunteered to help my former mother with buying groceries and letting her relax a little since I wanted a box of zombie bran cereal, and then my sisters came in and offered to help and I agreed when we got there instead of helping me they started making a mess all over the store like crazed monkeys and despite my efforts to stop them we got kicked out of the store and when Rita discovered this she didn't even try to yell at her daughters behind her and but shouted at me and grounded me like I was the one destroying the store and what did the girls do nothing absolutely nothing they just kept quiet and let me get an unfair punishment. The crowd glared at Rita before he faced his mother and sent a cold glare her way she softly cried in response. another time was when I was going with my friend Clyde to a superhero convention and as I came out of my room those girls just started laughing at me and made fun of my costume as if they don't wear stupid or ugly clothes or costumes but you don't hear me laughing at them now anyway a bit later the toilet got clogged and they instantly blamed me just because I did it a few times before  even Lynn Sr joined in the accusations, and I didn't do it so I decided to do an investigation about what clogged the toilet and who did it I found out what clogged it was a princess Pony book and caught the clogger and taken that person to the sisters but as I saw the look on her face how scared she was and I decided to take the blame for her and for that I got grounded, forbidden from going to the convention and was the house's laughing stock they even started calling me gay names over a book that I wouldn't be caught dead reading, by the way the real princess Pony reader is Lucy Loud
Everyone was shocked.
John Shadrack: You see those two incidents alone show that they're big problems going on in the louds house your honor, you want to continue son?
Lincoln: Yes sir there was also another  time....
He spent the next 90 minutes telling the court of what his family did to him from the noise be gones retaliation prank to the Sister fight Protocol as well as things the louds did to him individually as well as collectively and even telling the whole story of the bad luck incident from start to finish by the time he finished the whole court was speechless and the louds now realize how much they traumatized Lincoln he didn't deserve any of the things he went through because of them but yet they put him through them anyway just because he didn't have a talent and because he was a boy
The prosecutor came and to comfort him.
Judge McDonald: Ok it's time to take recess and when we come back we'll announce the verdict
Prosecutor: All rise!!!!
For the next hour everyone went to go buy lunch or knowing that they are needed back in court after an hour has passed they all return to the courtroom.
Prosecutor: All rise!!! everyone got up before sitting down again. Defendants rise!
The louds except Lincoln got up.
Judge McDonald: I have reached my verdict but before I mentioned I'd like to hear from the jury
Jury: We also have reached a verdict your honor we find the louds guilty of all charges. the louds drop heads and shed tears at the statement.
Judge McDonald: Ok thank you, like the jury I find you all guilty as charged, Mr and Mrs Loud you have proven to be good parents to your daughters but you only became horrible parents to your only son same goes to you girls you all should've treated your brother better so for that I sentence the parents Lynn Sr and Rita Loud to 10 years in prison and Lori Loud since your an adult you'll be going away the same amount of time as your parents 10 years in prison, Leni Loud, Luna Loud, Luan Loud and Lynn Loud Jr you'll be spending a decade in a juvenile detention center all the others will be going to Foster care or orphanages including Lincoln but with Lincoln he won't be going to an orphanage in the United States he'll be going to an Orphanage in South Africa!!
He smacked his gavel
Everyone including Lincoln was shocked
Everyone: South Africa!!
The Louds: South Africa he can't go there! he'll get killed!
John Shadrack: Your honour is that necessary to send him half way across the world?
Judge McDonald: Trust me it's the only to make sure the louds stay away from him.
For Lincoln he was stunned after hearing that news flash that he was gonna be deported to another country not just any old country but war torn South Africa!
The louds were taken by the police as Lori and her parents are sent to their cells till they're moved to a bigger prison while The teenage louds were sent to juvy and the younger sisters were crying as they were being separated from their mother, father, big sisters and most importantly big brother.

Later on Clyde was with Lincoln in his room as he was crying  about the news he discovered he didn't want to go to but he has to in a week.
Clyde: Calm down buddy I know it's bad but it's not the end of the world
Lincoln: It is Clyde! I'm being deported to another country far away! And I might not ever see you or the others again
Clyde: Don't worry we'll visit you
Lincoln: you'll visit
Howard: Yes Lincoln Me and howy were talking and I think we should visit you whenever we can out there
Lincoln: You mean it?
Harold: Yes, but tomorrow you have school so I think we should sleep
Lincoln: Ok
He didn't calm down completely it's still scary the very idea of leaving royal woods, leaving the state of Michigan, leaving the United States of America and leaving North America and going to Africa for an extended period not knowing when he'll comeback if he'll comeback as he falls asleep

AN: Done now you guys know why the South Africa part was mentioned the louds are finally getting what they deserved and now Lincoln will be departing for my home country South Africa and there's a reason why you'll see in part 2 next chapter is the last of part 1 How Luck Destroyed a Family from there I'll be going to part 2 And a side note I felt like today was a good day for a double bill c u guys in chapter 20 bye

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