Chapter 10 Confronting the parents

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At the police station in a interrogation room

Lynn Sr: Please officers there must be some mistake me and my wife would never abuse our son in fact we don't know where he is!
Officer Ryan: It's not a mistake your right where you belong here
Rita: Please let us go!
Officer Lewis: if we were wrong why did your son call the station at 3 in the morning making this claim? Before saying you all sold his furniture and threw him out of the house because apparently he's bad luck.
The parents were silent
Officer Ryan: we even developed a search warrant for your house to investigate this situation his room is the boarded up one at the end of the hall lacking any furniture full of bins isn't it?
Lynn Sr sighs before answering: Yes that's it
Officer Lewis: I have dealt with abusive cases before this takes the cake all the parents who left their children out in the cold at least had good reasons like there's no food or not enough space but you guys came up with a new one bad luck!
Lynn Sr: He did tell us he was faking it
Officer Ryan: what did you then
Lynn Sr: we didn't believe him and shut the windows
Officer Lewis: You could've just called him back in or not thrown him out in the first place! You two are supposed to know better did he even try to convince you two he was bad luck?
Lynn Sr and Rita: No we just kept hearing it from our daughters over and over and started to believe it
Officer Ryan: So you too just went along with this bullshit just because your daughters kept complaining about it why didn't you just go and confront Lincoln about it like normal parents huh why?
Both parents looked down in shame at that question they could've resolved this situation differently by either telling junior to cool it or putting a stop to Lincoln's lie but they chose the stupidest choice in the history of the modern world.
Rita: Um we tried to but you see
Officer Lewis: Let me take a guess as to why you did that tell me if I'm wrong you two clearly love those 10 daughters of yours more than your son and I'm pretty sure he gets punished a lot more than them and doesn't make you proud like they do right and I'm pretty sure if it was one of your daughters making this luck nonsense up you would sort her out like a normal parent immediately but because it's your son who in your mind is nothing but an embarrassment to this family you do this am I right?
Both parents remained speechless by how easily the policeman figured them out and they also feel ashamed of themselves for their part in this mess and for wrongfully punishing Lincoln many times and letting their daughters success cloud their judgements of what they see Lincoln as and never supporting him Rita breaks down crying
Rita: Lynn he's right it's true we do abuse Lincoln we always takes his sisters side of his we always demean him and mistreat him!
Lynn Sr: Yes honey it's all true and now we are going to pay for all our crimes against Lincoln
Officer Ryan: In deed you will, by the way who is your oldest daughter?
Rita: Lori
Officer Ryan: thanks that's all we needed to hear Lewis go get Lori loud I want to interview her alone
Officer Lewis: No problem Ryan
He goes to the holding cells and calls Lori
Officer Lewis: Lori Loud your your wanted in the interrogation room!
Lori: Ok Officer
The rest of the sisters: Don't go please Lori!
Lori: I have to guys we are all in trouble it's better we face our trouble and I'm sure they'll want you girls too after they finish with me
Officer Lewis: Yes we will want all of you one by one oldest to youngest except for the baby as she's innocent in all this, right this way Lori
Lori: Ok

Thats done well officially I'll be done with final exams after next week I'm updating to lessen my work all the girls will be interrogated except the obvious sister things are only going to get more hectic as Pop Pop aka Albert will make his debut in this story in the next chapter depending on if I can finish my interrogation of all the 9 sisters first but that's all I can say chiao

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