Chapter 16 The Truth Revealed to The World Part 2

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Luna Loud had separated from Lori and Leni to clear her head for a while, with all that's been happening with the family as of late she needed to familiarize herself with people who understood her and that being of course her fellow rocker friends who love to rock out to loud rock and roll music as much as she does, she was lucky that it was a free period that meant she could meet up with them at the back of the school. There were about 4 of them 2 males and 2 females, but her focus wasn't on them that much, it was mostly directed at the 4th member of the group excluding her, a certain blonde girl with a teal streak, Sam Bullets, a close friend and secret crush. Talking to her always made her feel good, she couldn't help but talk about her inner feelings with her, if only she could muster up the confidence to ask her out.
Luna: Yo dudes, how's it hanging . She called as she moved to them but all of a sudden the other rockers retreated in a haste leaving behind Sam who some unknown reason seemed a little troubled.
Luna: Hey Sam, everything cool?
Sam: Hm? Uh yeah, sure... her fellow rocker replied in an uncertain tone and this made Luna frown in confusion
Luna: You don't sound cool, what's up? (She glared a little) Did those two dudes diss you just now?
Sam: No Lunes,( deciding to confront her friend about the issue head on) it's not what they did, it's what you did she said looking right in her eyes
Luna: Me??, what did I do?
Sam: here's a newspaper, read it then you'll see what I mean.
Curiosity filled her but also a tiny bit of suspicion of what her crush was on about. So she complied and looked to read the headline, and what she saw made her widen her eyes in panic and then she flinched as she guiltily looked to Sam who gave her a stern glare.
Luna: Sam, I know it looks bad, but-
Sam: But nothing Luna!, bad enough your little bro ran away but as it turns out, his own family kicked him out of his house like some hater at a concert or something! And I just want to make sure did you do anything to stop it?! She demanded but only got silence but that was good enough for her.
Sam: That's what I thought, Why, why do that to your own family? I never pegged you to be the type of fucking idiots to believe in something so bogus and crappy as bad luck! The poor kid didn't deserve what happened to him, now i understand why he fled who would want to be treated like that!
Luna: We never meant to!! We were stupid, I admit that but please understand that the last thing we ever wanted was to see the little bro get hurt like this! Sam turned away disappointment and disdain written all over her face.
Sam: I used to think you were an awesome chick, Luna, all those jam sessions we had, all the concerts we went to all our dreams to become the best rock band in the world one day, the girl I saw back then, that's who I'm seeing right now. Luna could only lower her head in shame as the girl she had feelings for said all these things and she didn't disagree, she was one of the 11 assholes (except for Lilly)who thought kicking out their only son/brother over bad luck was a good idea
Sam: I don't want to do this, but you leave me no choice, I'm not sure we should hangout anymore.

The moment the blonde girl finished her sentence, it was as if her record of Mic Swagger broke into a million pieces just like her heart
Luna: Sam...(she sniffed) please...
No, not like this.
It can never end before it ever began.
Without nothing more to say. Sam got up and walked away from Luna and probably for the last time said these words
Sam: Goodbye Luna
Now in this free period, instead of chilling with her peeps, Luna Loud stood with tear drops raining down on the ground as she stood there as if she couldn't hear the sound of her own phone ringing. The normally chilled girl broke down on her knees and silently sobbed as she was left alone, no Lincoln and no Sam, there was nothing.
More often than not, Lynn was all for baseball practice, it's where she could show off her mad skills out on the field but her head just wasn't in the game today, her thoughts were preoccupied by thoughts about Lincoln, every time she stood ready to hit the ball, an image of Lincoln appeared with that trademark big smile of his waving at her, it distracted her as she continuously and repeatedly struck out. Eventually, she decided to take a break for a little while and get her priorities straight before going back on the field. As she sat on the bench, she couldn't help but think of her little and only brother, the brother who she swore to protect as that was her duty as an older sister to him of which she failed spectacularly and incredibly so, not just that, but thinking back she realized that her efforts to "toughen him up" were a bit overboard, she convinced herself that she was helping him but now that she thought about it, maybe she was just being a no good bully to him.
Kathy: Hey loud,( Lynn looked up to see who it was and saw her teammate Kathy) Coach wants to see you.
Lynn arched an eyebrow.
Lynn: Um, Ok
She got up and went to the main office of the Squirrels'coach and she was curious, not just by what her coach wants with her but she quickly noted that her teammate had a rather cold look when she said it, almost as if she had something against the athletic loud, but for some reason she couldn't figure it out. She went to her manager's office and went inside where she found him on sitting on his chair with a stoic look, which made her nervous as everyone knew what that look meant he was displeased.
Lynn Jr: You wanted to see me coach?
He sat there in silence before gesturing at the chair in front of him
Coach: Sit down, Loud
His order was quickly complied by Lynn
Coach: Kid, I'll be honest with you, when you tried out for the team 5 years ago for the first time in my life, I didn't know what to expect, at first you seemed like a hotshot newcomer who was all talk and braggadocio, I thought you would be satisfactory at best and shit at worst but boy, did you prove me wrong, he chuckled, I can still picture the look you had on when you scored 10 points without striking out. Since then you've became our little ace in the hole and sometimes even a game saver, I was proud to have you on the team, not just me but all the captains on the other sports teams you're in feel that way which is why I gave you the Squirrels captain's armband for this season, you were something special Lynn."he then put on a frown" but you did something I never expected you to do, you let me down, you let us all down and most importantly you let your own brother down." he threw a newspaper at her it landed on the desk in front of her so she can see it, when she saw the headline she panicked.

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