Chapter 5 Ticking Time Bomb

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It didn't take long for the news of Lincoln beating up two students to spread like wildfire to the point it reached Lynn again during baseball practice
Margo: Can you believe that Lynn's brother kicked two boys asses?
Penelope: Yeah I didn't believe it until I saw the video!
Lynn: Yeah right either those boys are pussies or they took a dive against weak ass stinkoln like Sonny Liston did against Cassius Clay before she laughs
Jennifer: well I wouldn't be so sure he is a boy and he was being given a hard time for a while probably it was enough
Lynn: Lincoln and fighting don't go together and him winning a fight is physically impossible!
Margo: ok
The girls continue their practice session meanwhile Lincoln has been captured and taken to the principal's office where the two punks he fought with are too
Principal Huggins: Loud how many times should I tell you to stop causing trouble!
Lincoln: But principal they started it!
Randall: No we didn't you jumped us out of nowhere!
Boy Jordan: Yeah he attacked me like a bear!
Lincoln: No I didn't you liars!
Principal Huggins: Quiet all three of you! The boys stopped talking I'm gonna here both sides of the story let's start with you two.
Randall and Boy Jordan told the principal their side of the story but added a lot of lies in it for obvious reasons Lincoln can barely hold his tongue from arguing with how fabricated their story is but he manages to keep quiet his chance is coming
Principal Huggins: Ok now let's hear loud's story. Lincoln tells him what really happened of all it and even tells the principal that these two's friends were also on his case before showing him the viral video and a secret one he took of chandler's prank and to Huggins his story is more believable
Principal Huggins: I have made my decision after hearing both sides of the story I have to say that I believe Lincoln's side a lot more as he supplied sufficient evidence so you loud your suspended for 3 days but you two and your friends will be suspended for 3 weeks meaning you'll come back just before exams
Randall and Boy Jordan: what !!! No he's lying
Principal Huggins: enough now here's your letters now get out of my sight!
The boys run out of the office
Lincoln: Do I have to be suspended as well??
Principal Huggins: Yes because rules are rules loud if you fight on these grounds all parties involved are suspended or expelled from school but your lucky I reduced your suspended sentence
Lincoln: Ok sir thanks
Lincoln Walks out and heads home immediately he's had enough drama for one day
Lincoln: wish this solved all my problems Lincoln says as he sighs
Meanwhile Luna was having a jam session with Sam and her band school let out early today for her and her older sisters and they were all enjoying it
Luna: that was awesome!
Sam: Yeah it was that song we definitely can use it for the interschool youth arts competition
Yup we'll kick hazeltucky, Dearington and Huntington Oaks asses
Hannah: Damn right the one night a year Royal woods elementary and High school join forces to beat out neighbors and qualify for state competition and the winner of the state competition will represent Michigan
Sam: I'm so excited
Luna: Me too dudes I'll see you all tomorrow the girls walk out to enjoy their day
Then Lincoln enters the house Luna notices him
Luna: Hey bro what brings you home so early
Lincoln: Leave me alone I'm not in the mood
As he moves towards his room Luna has been keeping tabs on him and he has been moody and bitter for a week now and has shown a look of contempt whenever the fam bring him with you their events for good luck she can't say she blames him she would be also peeved with being being attacked by cats and stung by ants and being forced to wear that suit in public but something tells there's more to this than meets the eye.
Luan enters the room
Luan: Best day ever!
Luna: what's made you so excited
Luan: I was made the director and script writer of the drama team and I get to choose who I work with when they all audition
Luna: That's great are you gonna let Lincoln audition?
Luan: what hell no I don't want him anywhere near the auditions
Luna: Why you know he loves acting
Luan: He's bad luck
Luna: what if he goes in the suit
Luan: fine only in his suit
Meanwhile With Lincoln's friends as they gathered at Gus's games and grub after playing a lot of games they sit for some lunch and soda
Clyde: Guys I'm worried about Linc
Rusty: Me too
Liam: Yeah welcome to the club
Girl Jordan: I never seen him that mad ever
Rusty: Me neither
Liam: I haven't seen the fella that pissed and something tells it's going to get worse
Stella: I watched that video a hundred times already but I still can't believe it Lincoln is a sweet, cool, calm and collected boy now I'm speechless
Suddenly Lincoln calls Stella's phone
Stella: Hello
Lincoln: Hi
Stella: Hey Lincoln how are you holding up what happened with Huggins
Lincoln:long story
Stella: tell us I'm with the guys and girl Jordan Ronnie Anne couldn't come something came up
Lincoln: Ok then
He proceeds to tell her what happened and even though she's shocked he's been suspended he's way better off than Chandler and his gang as they will miss school for a while
Clyde: That's great news buddy
Rusty: Yeah good riddance to bad rubbish
Liam: Darn tooten
Girl Jordan: Hell yeah way to go Linc
Stella: Wanna join us for a celebration lunch
Lincoln: Thanks guys but no thanks I'm preparing to face my damn parents as they will be on my ass for this
Clyde: Good luck buddy and if you need back up we'll come running
Lincoln: Thanks guys bye
All of them: bye
As he hangs up he immediately gets an idea to call Ronnie Anne for an important chat
Lincoln: If anyone can help me put a stop to this luck madness it's Ronnie
Meanwhile With Lynn Sr
As he goes to pick up Rita he gets a phone call from the school principal
And answers
Lynn Sr: Hello
Principal Huggins: Hello Mr loud I got some bad news to tell you about your son
Lynn Sr: Ok
Principal Huggins: He was suspended from school as from today to Friday
Lynn Sr: He's what!!!!

Oh boy now things are gonna get nasty Lynn Sr knows Lincoln got suspended and his on a war path Rita could be worse next chapter is the long awaited debuts of Bobby and Ronnie Anne Santiago in this story the build up continues but the fuse has been lit tic toc for the louds see you guys in the next chapter bye

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