Chapter 3 Unnecessary Torture

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21 March 1967 Royal woods
The boys were in Lincoln's room 3 days after the assault by the louds fortunately for them the loud family all were out for the day, so Lincoln told his friends including Stella and Girl Jordan the whole story and it's safe to say they were not pleased.

Lincoln: And that's the whole story guys why I am wearing this suit.
Clyde: Honestly this isn't right have your family gone mad!
Rusty: I know your family can be messed up at times but this takes the cake
Liam: And to think this stupidity all started over a baseball game and what the hell is wrong with Lynn, she forces you to come to her game with a bat and when she loses she blames you!! I wish I could kick her prideful ass!
Stella: Unbelievable! if that's not bad enough she spreads the rumor around so that everyone believes it without a second thought wow do these people even love you?
Clyde: I have been asking myself that very same question Stella, whenever a good situation happens and Lincoln is left out of it things go well even those girls might be opposites but they usually get along very well but when he tries to get involved tensions sky rocket! But when something bad happens the one who often suffers is Lincoln.
Rusty: Don't get me started on the parents they clearly favour the girls over him and see him as a trouble maker and punish him but I don't recall ever seeing them punish them.
Girl Jordan: Those people are despicable!
Lincoln: yup all that is true guys

Meanwhile With the rest of the louds
Lynn Sr: well gang this is a great road trip ey
Lori: You said it dad
Luna: it definitely is
Leni: No noise
Lana: No traffic
Lisa: No annoying neighbors
Rita: No work
Lynn Jr: No Stinkoln ruining our lives
Lola: Oh yeah I forgot we left him behind
Lana: He would've been a major burden had he tagged along
Lori: That twerp is a walking disaster area
Luna: Aren't we being a little harsh on him?
Lola: No!!
Rita: Luna do you want our lives to be put in danger??
Luna: Nope
Rita: Then stop whining that useless brat is getting what he deserves.
Lucy: Yeah Lincoln is a beast that must be contained.
Luan: Why didn't we try to get him out of our lives sooner he was nothing but dead weight.
Lana: His hobbies and talents are ridiculous (Lana laughs)
Lola: Remember the time he was dressed up as ridiculous superhero?
Lori: That dork he's so stupid he actually wanted to go out in public looking like that
Lynn Jr: I still can't believe he reads princess pony
Everyone in Vanzilla laughs except for Lucy laughs
Lola: No wonder he signed up for pageantry
Everyone laughs again
Lynn Sr: Lincoln is such an embarrassment to this family he doesn't have a talent, he is not a great student and does pathetic hobbies I even question myself why didn't I put him up for adoption
Loud sisters: You should've dad maybe if you did we wouldn't have to put up with such a weak, lousy, sorry excuse of a brother!
Luan: He can be a pain him putting and keeping on that good luck suit is the only thing he's good for

Back with Lincoln and his friends after discussing about Lincoln's family the kids have left for Gus's games and grub to get their minds off the louds

Lincoln: thanks guys for lending me your ears I really needed that
Clyde: No problem buddy
Rusty: Yeah let's eat
Stella: And dance the night away
Hours later
Lincoln returns home and runs into his family waiting at the doorstep
Lincoln: Oh boy
Rita: Where is your suit young man? and aren't you supposed to be guarding the house while we away what would've happened had we got robbed?
Lincoln: You didn't did you and y'all can't expect me to wear that flea bitten smelly and hot fur coat in public all the time
Luan: We do expect you to or do you want us to discipline you again?
Lincoln: No
Lori: I'm counting to 3 for you to put that squirrel costume on or else!!!
Lucy: 1
Lincoln runs like a bullet past them and puts on the suit in a flash before reappearing before them
Lincoln: Happy?
Lynn Jr: it better stay on or we won't be so kind to you next time
Lilly: baby talk
Lynn Sr: You said it Lilly,and then he turns to his son as for you are gonna spend the night outside and they're are no ifs or buts about it.
Lincoln: But it's cold outside
Lynn Sr: Your going outside and that's final!
The louds turn back into the house and lock both doors leaving Lincoln to fend for himself so he decided to hide away in Lisa's bunker for the night it wasn't ideal but it beats the cold and brutal outside world and he stashed away some food and eats some before going to sleep.

Boy this took a while to write but for all you Lincoln fans hang in there a repreave is coming I didn't expect this story to be so popular but I am happy it is the next chapter is gonna be very interesting find out in chapter 4 bye

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