Chapter 12 Reliving The Shock Of The World

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16 April 1967
The following day after letting Lynn go the police decide to interview the younger sisters but before they do that they were busy talking about a particular boxing match that happened in 1964 while drinking some coffee
Officer Ryan: Seriously Lewis your still mad that you lost a bet and 200 dollars that was 3 years ago let it go man
Officer Lewis: Yeah that damn Cassius Clay ruined everything
Officer Johnson: His name is Muhammad Ali and your just bitter that he made you along with the rest of America look like fools for betting on Sonny Liston to beat him
Officer Yang: Yeah many thought Liston would steamroll him in 1 round but apparently the kid was as good as he said and humiliated him but the rematch Liston took a dive no doubt
Officer Lewis: Definitely, but let's get back to work guys so whose next among the loud sisters?
Officer Ryan: Should we interview them? their kids one of them is fucking four years old
Officer Johnson: I'll agree with Lewis because they were involved in the whole thing meaning their also suspects
The chief: Yeah go interview them, they must learn never to do this again
Officer Ryan: Ok then on the birth list it's Lucy, I'll take her Lewis go get her
Officer Lewis: Alright
He immediately heads to the holding cells where all the louds are sleeping before waking them up by tapping the bars immediately they wake up
Officer Lewis: I'm glad your all up, now jumping Lincoln it's sibling number 7 Lucy Loud, come with me
Lucy: Ok Officer
they head to the interrogation room before sitting down she waited for the officer who wanted to interview her to come back and then Ryan returns to the room the poetic child sat quietly in her chair, she was waiting for the policeman to ask his first question. If there was anything to be well known about this little girl, is that she rarely shows true emotions.
Officer Ryan: Alright Lucy, I hope this isn't overwhelming for you. She shrugged before saying
Lucy: I'm fine don't worry about it.
Ryan knew what she was doing, she was pretending to act all emotionless to save herself from the pain of this incident, but in reality he knew the truth, she was a dam that was very close to bursting, It was only a matter of time.
Officer Ryan: So I wanna know something? Exactly, how do you interact with your brother?
The gothic child's hands trembled a little, but quickly stopped herself before he could notice, which proved to be a failure as he took note of her action. After a while she began to speak.
Lucy: At home I usually appear depressed, but I do care about my siblings
Officer Ryan: Does that include Lincoln?
Lucy gulped before responding of-of course. He's my big brother. I love him very much." The tone in her voice went from bland to slightly emotional.
Lucy: I often think that no one else understands my needs to express my dark emotions and feelings in poems and I think that no one else in that house understands how I feel. But I have to be honest, Lincoln always did seem like the person who understood me.
Officer Ryan: Is that So?
She nodded, fondly remembering stories that her parents told her of when she was younger and Lincoln tended to constantly fawn and dote over her when she was a baby in 1959, because she was basically his first baby sister. He helped me with my poems, in fact he's the only one who helps me with them. He's always been dependable like that."
Officer Ryan: If that's true then why did you kick him out?
Lucy flinched at the question.. I...I...I don't know how to answer that. No I mean I do know but it might be confusing to you.
Officer Ryan: Enlighten me
Lucy: Well you might find this a little strange, but I happen to be an avid fan of.... supernatural things
Officer Ryan: So, you're superstitious?
She looked down dejectedly
Lucy: Sigh. It's true. I spend so much time with paranormal stuff that I believe in every kind of curse or enchantment.
Officer Ryan: So it was easy for you to decide that Lincoln was bad luck and that him getting kicked out, which is illegal I might add, was the best option for you and your family?
Lucy took note of the officer's tone and she knew when he puts it like that it sounds completely ridiculous.
Lucy: Officer....I-I know what we did was completely heartless. And nothing will ever excuse me or my family for it, no matter what. But I'm honestly not sure what I was thinking, I admit that superstition and assumptions have influenced most of my life, but I always try to not let that get in the way of my personal relationships, especially my family she finishes with a sigh
Officer Ryan: Until now, look kid you don't have to keep it in
Lucy stammered her next sentence while trying to keep up her fading ignorance
Lucy: What are you talking about?
Officer Ryan: Your big brother is gone, Your parents are both under arrest for committing a crime, They're chances are not good at all right now.
She looked down in fear of a potential future without her parents
Officer Lewis: As for you and your sisters, well the best I can say I hope you got more relatives to look after all of you, otherwise you'll be lucky if you happen to land in the same foster home.
That statement immediately sent chills down the poet and aspiring actor's spine, The mere thought of her parents spending the rest of their lives in prison, never seeing her big brother again and her family being separated completely shook her to her core and it was all because of a fucking stupid move on not just his part or hers but by her whole family, she may play the pathetic, sad and hopeless part, but this was one of the few times where she she felt complete and utter despair. All these heart wrenching emotions, the amount of guilt going through her, it was the very thing that finally made her dam burst.
*Sniff* Ryan had to make sure he wasn't hearing things, because either he was crazy or he thought he heard Lucy make a sniffing sound. Turns out he was right, fresh tears were starting to pour down from under her bangs that were covering her eyes. The 8 year old's lips were quivering and she belowed in a pitiful sad tone and in despair and anger, anger at herself and at her family
Lucy: I...I...didn't want this to happen any of it!, Lincoln....he's-he's my big brother! I do love him! She said earnestly before grabbing both sides of her head, what were we thinking?! What was I thinking!? Why were we such assholes to him he didn't deserve it! Please don't leave me, Lincoln! She begged as if her brother was in the room. Forgive me...
Ryan got up from his seat and went next to the little girl. He wrapped a comforting arm around her, and she cried into his chest. The young man patted the little girls back
Ryan: let it out kid, let it out

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