Chapter 7 Enough Is Enough

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14 April 1967

It's been two weeks since he got suspended but Lincoln has returned to school he returned on the 30th of March and to his surprise his peers have been treating him differently since he returned with girls flirting and other boys except for his friends keeping a distance as they are pretty much afraid he'll tear them apart like he did with Boy Jordan and Randall but sadly life at home wasn't sweet at all with everyone still believing he's good luck with the suit and bad luck without it for two weeks he was dragged to his sisters's shindigs and whenever he wore that suit he suffered hell while his sisters and parents always escaped injury or pain with what happened with drama practice, During a round of golf with Lori she hit the ball and it hit a tree with a bee's nest ricocheted off of it and scored a whole in one but the bugs were not happy about being disturbed but instead of chasing Lori they went after the squirrel as they perceived it as a more dangerous threat another incident was with Luna at her concert were a faulty speaker exploded and sent him crashing into a ceiling she managed to get him down but the audience laughed at the squirrel anyway as if wearing that thing in the audience at Lola's pageant wasn't bad enough try being smacked in the face with a contestant's shoe and bring knocked down with a force he still has the bruise the worst moment was when Lucy's vampire bats attacked him for his blood mistaking Lincoln's fat suit for a fat body full of blood before she called them off and while dumpster diving with Lana he was attacked by starving alley cats before Lana saved him among other incidents numerous times he tried to trash the damn thing but had to keep it to avoid an ass kicking from his family over it he but like I said earlier at school things were great he's been enjoying the peace and quiet for the last two weeks we catch him with his male friends after school hanging out

Lincoln: Oh yeah this is the life
Rusty: yup it sure is pal
Clyde: Yeah buddy
As they relax some students from a distance though laughing at him and teasing them
Boy: how's tree climbing going.
Girl: Have you seen him in drama practice last month he is a total cluts as the two laugh but when Lincoln raises his head they scatter after being reminded of what happened at practice a month ago
Whenever he triedout for a role Luan would give him a demeaning one and lay hidden pranks he would set off unknowingly like sandbags falling on him or falling into trapdoors among other horrible pranks and when he tries to take off the suit he was attacked by Lola to the point the crowd would always laugh at him
Until he ran away from the stage

Lincoln: Man am I glad that's over
Clyde: Yeah buddy me too, my dad's and I would cringe at the ridiculous and embarrassing things Luan would make you do
Lincoln: Don't remind me she ruined my career as an actor
Liam: Darn tooten loudy
Clyde: so Lincoln don't you have that state drama competition at the high school today
Lincoln: Yeah I do Clyde but I don't want to go Luan has embarrassed me in front of the whole district no way am I gonna let her do that to me in front of the whole state
Just after he said Lori calls him
Lincoln: Hello
Lori: Lincoln get your ass to my school right now the competition is starting and bring that good luck suit with you now!
She hangs up
Lincoln sighs before saying I'll see you later guys
The guys: later man
Lincoln catches a bus and makes it to the royal woods high school
Luan: where were you! You do know we were gonna go on in a minute!
Lincoln: Cry me a river
Luan: Lincoln I wouldn't be sucha damn fool if I were you get dressed!
Lincoln: Alright Alright
The performance goes without a hitch with Lincoln getting a good role this time and after they finished the other participants also perform after a few hours the judges have made their decision
Announcer: and the winner is... Springfield Elementary school!!!
Luan: What!!!
Loud family except Lincoln: what!! But how??
Lynn jr: It's Lincoln's fault obviously
Lincoln: me??
Lynn Sr: let's go home now!
And the louds board Vanzilla and drive home for a hostile conversation with Lincoln
At the loud house
Luan: Don't you have anything to say for yourself after ruining my drama!
Lincoln: But I didn't
Lori: Shut up!
Lincoln: You shut up!
Rita: Lincoln be quiet how many times are you gonna keep ruining things for us we already accepted that you will be a failure of this family but you always think your better! Yet you make life hell for us! We make you wear that suit because without it your nothing!
Lola: Yeah put on that good luck now
Loud parents and sisters: right now
Lincoln: No!
Everyone except Lincoln: huh
Lincoln: No I'm not putting on that horrible piece of stuffing ever again my life has been made hell before and after wearing it!
Immediately after his outburst Lincoln is picked up and thrown outside by the louds before they close and locked the door and watch him through the windows
Lynn Jr: And stay out!
Lincoln: Fine I'm out of here!! And I'm never coming back!
Loud parents and sisters: Good now scram before we call the cops!!!! Before they shut the windows
Just after they did that little do they know they just woke a sleeping lion in him Lincoln immediately turned from scared and sad to enraged and he let out a primal roar scaring mr grouse who was watching before making a b-line towards the front door inside the house the louds think they took care of Lincoln until they see the door kicked down and standing right in front of them was a pissed off Lincoln staring a hole through them at first they were not intimidated and shouted at him
Loud sisters: we thought we told to get but Lincoln cut them off
Lincoln: Get out?? GET OUT of whose house need I remind you all I live here too!!!, I'm not going anywhere until you guys listen to what I have to say
Luna: Nobody wants to hear what you want to say everybody wants you to get out of here!
Lincoln: Quiet Luna! To think I actually thought you were different from these people clearly I was wrong
Lynn Jr: Get the hell out of here!
Lincoln: No way!
Lori: Hit the road!
Lincoln: You do it!
Lola: leave!
Lincoln: No!
he even sits on the couch refusing to obey
Lori: 10
Lincoln: huh
Lori: We are giving you 10 seconds to get out of here or else!!!, we don't give a crap what you want to say!
Lana: 9
Lucy: 8
Lisa: 7
Leni: 5 I mean 6
Lynn Jr: 5
Luan: 4
Lincoln: Enough!
Everyone stares at him
Lincoln: I am not leaving this house until I said what the hell I want to say not even when your little count down is over don't you get the hint I'm not afraid of any of you anymore!
Lynn Jr comes and grabs Lincoln by the shirt and Lincoln punches her in the nose
Lynn Jr: Your gonna regret that bitch!
And Lynn attacks him before they start fighting and they go at it before he delivers a round house kick to Lynn's jaw knocking her down before he picks her up and throws Lynn out through a closed window in a fit of rage as it breaking it and hearing her moan in pain in the lawn it didn't take long before all the other sisters rushed to Lynn's defense and attack Lincoln as they rained down punches and kicks on him as he gets bloody and was on the verge of unconsciousness before he roared again and started throwing punches and kicks over and over if he was going down he was going down fighting as he continues his assault in his defense and they all connected before the hurt female army scattered and he attacked them viciously one by one like he slammed Lisa on her head and tackled Leni before breaking Luna's guitar over her head knocking her out and before grabbing Luan on the couch and slammed her on the living room table before whacking Lori on the back with a bat a few times till she was on her back during his fight with them he unleashed every bit of anger he had to every single one of them for their misdeeds against him and all the sisters were hurt Lola and Lana were crying the older children tried to deal with the pain Lucy was struggling to get back on her feet and Lisa was close to tears
Lincoln: Anyone else! Good as I was saying I have had enough of the shit you all put me through every time I make a mistake everyone is quick to jump on my case and give me the death sentence but when the girls do it they hardly ever get more than a slap on the wrist?? Is it because I'm the only boy in this house is it because I wasn't born a girl is that it?
Lisa: Lincoln I assure you that your gender has nothing to do with this
Lincoln: Oh really then why couldn't your smart brain tell you I'm not any damn luck and tell the rest of these numbskulls that especially meat head out there, he gestured at Lynn whose still in a daze outside Lisa just stayed quiet and looked down at that question she can't believe she was stupid enough to believe in that nonsense and she's not the only one
Lincoln: Thank you
Everyone: Huh??
Lincoln: Thank you for proving something I have been asking myself for a long time now I know everyone in this doesn't care about me or love me at all! He folded his arms
Lori: Lincoln we do care about you and we love you and you need to calm down
Lincoln: Don't act like you give a damn!, you are always on that phone 24/7 you should be married to it with how much you type on it!!! Or with all the crap you give me just for being in your room!!! among other shit!!!Right now if it wasn't a 9 way tie I would say your the worst sister ever!!!
Lori: I'm not on my phone all the time right guys? The rest of the family looks away from Lori essentially proving Lincoln right
Lincoln: And the rest of you every day of the week I go to everyone's events to support them and all I wanted was a little downtime but apparently for me that's outlawed!!!, Speaking of the whole family supports one another crap All of you would drag me to your things whether I wanted to or not but whenever have all of you supported me for anything Huh!!! Everyone minus Lincoln looked down at that question they never really supported him on anything only laughed at him and belittled his interests Lincoln's anger boiled even more with the lack of response
Lincoln: With the way you all treat me like a pariah in my own home why don't you disown me since I'm clearly not family to any of you
Leni: Lincoln you are family, your my little brother for gogo boots's sake! Lincoln laughs
Lincoln: That's funny Leni because my room was boarded up, I was forced to sleep outside, I was told by this brat that I couldn't go to the beach with all of you because I was bad luck! He hated those two words at this point. I'll admit I also helped spread the stupid lie around and let it spiral out of control but did it have to involve me being removed from my own house! WHOSE IDEA WAS THAT ANYWAYS!!!

Everyone except for Lincoln fell silent, the girls had guilty faces and even Lisa was uncomfortable with the parents they felt like devils for going on with the idea, what kind of parent remove their children from their homes like they're some pests not only was it morally wrong but also was against the law.
Lincoln shook his head at them and spat on the ground in disgust
Lincoln: Apparently in this house you never get peace, living with a family as big as this there's no such thing as privacy!! He started to get angrier again. Day in and Day out, week in week out Month in Month out !!! AND YEAR IN YEAR OUT!!! I can't get a moment to relax before you girls barge into my room to get some favours and you all have a lot to answer for!, You pranked me just because I didn't want to be disturbed! He glared at Lola, I had to set off multiple pranks because someone called Ronnie Anne over! He coldly glared and growled at Luan,the comedian moves back a few steps, Had to lie about reading a ridiculous and fucking awful book about ponies and princesses and take humiliation verbal abuse including gay insults for months to cover for someone who couldn't handle being laughed at and that person is the one who clogged the toilet morons Lucy just lowered her head in shame and speaking about the toilet when I showed all of you my ace savvy costume you laughed at it!!!, I get turned into a model against my own will and forced to wear horrible dresses by an airhead who humiliates me in front of her friends he glares at leni who is close to tears, I get threatened and pushed around and forced to do demeaning things and do chores by a bitch who was supposed to be the third adult but her fucking ass makes our lives a living hell especially mine!!! He glared at Lori before raising his middle finger in her direction Lori would normally kill him for that but she's too scared of another ass kicking from her little brother and then this side I'm treated like a lab rat by my second youngest sister! He glared at Lisa who hid behind her mother's legs.
Lincoln: If that's not bad enough try this you all humiliated me in front of the school, You block off the entire house!, denying me from getting a snack or using the bathroom or watch TV!! With your damn flawed sister fight protocol!!! If I try to intervene y'all tell me to butt out and then just to add a little insult to injury someone outside my own family in Bobby knows about this worthless protocol while I'm left in the dark about it and then I get kicked out of my own room not once! Not twice!! But three times!!! And when I returned from Clyde's house the following the day you all say I fixed everything by leaving!!! Wow! The cause of it all is what??? A damn dress!!! All the sisters feel guilty, And on the road trip all i want is one simple seat that isn't crappy or have someone who will bother me throughout the trip is that too much to ask!!! Couldn't you all just given me the seat! And then the mother of the airhead and the bossy bitch decides that I'm at fault for us getting kicked out and banned from the supermarket but in reality it's her 9 daughters he glared at Rita and shockingly this isn't the first time my bloody parents discriminated me I have an idiot named Lynn Sr who bans me from coming to take your child to work day knowing that it's no longer take your daughter to work day!!! He glared at Lynn Sr and not onlythat he never spent a damn day hanging out with me when Rita and the girls were not present but spends time with all ten of my sisters! He finished and when my so called sisters were doing these shitty protocols and stuff the parents hide like cowards and don't intervene! And then they just agree right out of the blue that I'm bad luck and remove me from the house! Before putting me in that fucking suit! Lynn Sr and Rita looked down in shame. Nothing comes close to the level of insanity and stupidity I experienced for the last month!. Do you still think you love me and care about me after that news flash!
The louds were not so keen to answer that question
Lincoln: I thought so before he takes his luggage and leaves or tries to
Rita: Lincoln where do you think your going?
Lincoln: Isn't it obvious away from you! He walks before Rita grabs him and he stomps on her foot
Rita: Damn it Lincoln!
Lincoln: You deserve it bitch now get out of my way he moves past Rita and runs into Lynn Sr
Lynn Sr : Lincoln loud! That's no way to way to speak to your mother! Apologize right now or I'll!!
Lincoln: Or you'll what?
He punches him right on the jaw twisting his head to the side before Lincoln retaliated with a kick to his dad's balls as he falls to his knees before he gives him a devastating right hook knocking him down before he leaves the loud house for good in his mind never to return

Everyone in the family as they lick their wounds one thought goes through them
What have we done?

At last that's over took days to right this but I'm glad I'm finished we'll see in the next chapter where Lincoln winds up as for the rest of the louds this is just the beginning of hell and long awaited punishment so long guys see you in chapter 8

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