Chapter 14 Pop Pop Enraged

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Pop Pop drives into the police station,he was confused why would his daughter, Son in law and granddaughters be held here? They never committed a crime! This must be some mistake he also checked the date thinking it was an April fool's day joke
He soon runs into a police officer
Albert: Hello
Officer Johnson: Hello, you must be the loud grandfather right
Albert: Yes I am, ok so where is my family being held?
Officer Johnson: Right this way, follow me
He followed him to the holding cells and found his granddaughters
Lola: Pop Pop!
Loud girls: What? He's here!
They rush at him and tackle him in hugs the retired soldier giggles just Lewis enters the room
Albert: Ok ok girls calm down I'll take you home in a minute
Loud girls: Yay!!!
Albert: Where are their parents?
Officer Lewis: Let me go get them.
He goes towards the permanent cells and brings the couple in handcuffs and leg chains they see their Father/Father in law and are both excited and worried at the same time
Rita: Dad, Dad your here!
Lynn Sr: What are you doing here?
Albert: Well the feds called me that you two and the girls are detained so I came a running let's sort out whatever mess this.... wait a minute realizes someone is missing. Where is Lincoln my grandson!
All the louds started sweating and shaking on that topic
Officer Johnson: Ok I'll leave you all to talk about this family situation, call us when your done come on Lewis
Officer Lewis: Ok Ok I'm coming
He and Johnson leave the room
Albert: Can any of you explain why Lincoln isn't with us right now? And does his absence have anything to do with why your in this rat hole? In an annoyed tone
The louds stay quiet while facing the ground
Albert: Answer me!!
They immediately shiver at that outburst
All the louds: um no
Albert: Tell me the truth right now or I'm leaving you all here!
Finally realizing they were not getting out of this they confessed
Rita: Dad I think you should sit down for this
For the next half hour the louds proceeded to tell him everything that happened since Lynn lost her game and by the end of it he wasn't happy
Albert: Let me get this straight. he said with rage that made them take a few steps away from him
Albert: you all thought it was a good idea to kick him out of the house like some hobo!
They flinched at his out burst some of the younger sisters whimpering in fear
Albert: All of you are supposed to be there for your only brother He said to the sisters especially you 5! He pointed at the elder half, you all should be keeping him safe since the day your mother brought him to the world
He turns to the parents starting with his daughter
Albert: Rita I'm completely disappointed in you, I expected more from you how could you do this to your own son! If you weren't already in jail I would've put you over my knee and I don't care if your 40 years old! Rita stuttered in replying
Rita: Dad we didn't mean to...
Albert: Your mother and sister would be so disappointed if they were here especially your sister you know how much she loved her nephew
Rita sheds tears at being remembered of her late mother and sister
Albert turns to Lynn Sr
Albert: As for you! he advanced towards the patriarch before yelling
Albert: And you call yourself a father!
Lynn Sr: Albert-I ya...
Rita and the girls were shocked as Albert's fist collided with Lynn Sr's cheek as he fell to the floor from the hit
Rita: Oh my god dad!!
He faced them before the police broke it up
Officer Ryan: Alright break it up break it up!, what's going on in here?
Officer Johnson: I saw Albert punching Lynn Sr after he found out what happened
Officer Lewis:(whispers) about time someone did it
Albert: Ok girls let's go.
The sisters immediately follow their grandfather into his car and a few police cars go with to take the stragglers after arriving at the loud house and dropping the girls off he thanks the officers for the escort before they drive away he immediately turns to the sisters
Albert: Listen here and listen good from now on you are all grounded until further notice and I won't forget to ground your mom when she gets out of there! In fact she needs a good old ass spanking for this! And if I hear one peep about any shit called bad luck in this house you'll wish you never uttered it is that clear?
Loud sisters: Yes sir
Albert: Good now go to your rooms now!, they walk slowly up
Albert: I said now !!!
The girls bolt up the stairs and close the doors scared of their grandfather's temper
The old man sighs before lying on the couch
Albert: oh Bridget and oh Marilyn wish you were here now

That's done finally the latest installment of this story is out the louds have now learned to never cross their elderly relative we'll see more of this in the next chapter and probably the truth being revealed to the rest of the world bye

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