Chapter 4 More Misery

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26 March 1967
After days of wearing that suit day and sometimes night Lincoln was in his accessorie and furniture free room it was so bare of anything it was pitiful, but the white haired boy couldn't do anything about it without risking another beating from his sisters and even parents as whenever things go bad for them they blame him and when he tries to defend himself they take him away back to the house and beat him badly. He didn't want to go to school today because of the suit times he did go with that furball on many students would pick on him Chandler and his gang especially, but the white haired boy had to as his sisters who went to the same school with him needed his "good luck" for their things so he went wearing it now with his pals during lunch
Lincoln: guys I honestly don't know what to do every damn time I wear this suit, I'm laughed at humiliated or assaulted and when I remove it I get the latter of that from my family!
Girl Jordan: What the hell is wrong with everyone as if your life ain't hell now craphead Chandler adds on to it
Chandler: Hey chipmunk how's the nut storage for winter going?
Clyde: Chandler do you mind we are having a serious discussion here
Liam: Yeah get your smelly kiester outta here!
Joe: do we look like we give a damn about your stupid chat?? We are here to make fun of you losers especially that animal, he gestures towards Lincoln
Brad: Yeah shut up or we'll discipline you and your pet!
Rusty: look we don't want any trouble
Chandler: well trouble wants you... now boys!
The boys pick up a trash can and dump it on the friends and run away
While everyone else including his sisters laugh at Lincoln and his crew
Later after getting cleaned up Lincoln is clearly in a bad mood and his friends notice it
Lincoln: Why is this happening to me!
Clyde: buddy calm down it's just Chandler being his stupid ass self...
Lincoln: I'm not just talking about that bastard Chandler Clyde everything that's been happening to me for the last month what did I do to deserve any of it!!
Stella: Lincoln please we know you are going through a lot right now but attacking us won't resolve it!
Lincoln: okay fine I'm sorry I seriously need some space
And he walks off and gets to the playground before encountering one of chandler's boys Red Hooded Randall and boy Jordan who recently joined up with the gang since they weren't part of the first prank they decide to pick on Lincoln
Randall: Hey squirrel boy how's the tree climbing going
Boy Jordan: Yeah are the girl squirrels also rejecting your ass like our human girls are??
Lincoln: Can you two clowns cut the crap and leave me alone!
Boy Jordan: Clowns??, he grabs Lincoln by the collar are you calling us clowns?
Randall: laughs we are gonna have so much fun beating him up get him!
And Boy Jordan punches Lincoln but Lincoln hits back before being tackled by Randall and a two on one fight breaks out with the two boys seemingly overpowering Lincoln before he uses his rage and separates them so he can work better first he fakes a retreat with the two punks giving chase foolishly taking the bait before hiding in the bushes the punks lost sight of him and are looking for him
Boy Jordan: when we find that bastard I'm gonna enjoy kicking his ass!
Randall: Me too
one thing the boys forgot about Lincoln he's an extraordinary strategist when Randall moves off to look for him in a nearby area Boy Jordan continues to look in the clearing and then gets attacked from behind as he screams in pain Randall hears it before seeing the shock of his life
Randall: what the hell was that? Holy shit!, As he sees Lincoln assaulting Boy Jordan badly with him trying to fight back but he was overwhelmed while screaming for help
Boy Jordan: Help!!! Help!!! Help!! Someone get this wild animal off me!!! Someone calls this manic off!
Finally Randall attacks Lincoln but that only makes him turn on the other punk before tossing him in the trash can little did the three boys know a crowd had gathered watching the fight boy Jordan was badly injured so he couldn't get up and continue fighting. after trashing Randall Lincoln runs away after seeing everyone he wouldn't want to face the principal today or any day
Lincoln: Damn it!
Lola was at her drama class preparing for a play with the older kids including Lucy before said goth shows up
Lucy: Lola!
Lola: ahhh! Lola screams while jumping 5 feet in the air before landing on her butt
Lola: dang it Lucy can't you stop doing that!
Lucy: Sorry but I thought I should tell you I saw Lincoln getting into a fight a few minutes ago!
Lola: what! How! (Groans) did they take him to the hospital like usual
Lucy: No he won that fight
Lola: How did that happen? Lincoln isn't tough even Lilly can beat him up
Lucy: Go see for yourself then if you won't believe me.
Lola: Alright fine I believe you
Meanwhile Lisa ran into Luan and Lynn and told them the same story that Lucy told Lola but infamously  cast iron head Lynn not believing it and starts laughing before saying that Lincoln winning a fight is bullshit my ass can kick ass millions of times while Lincoln would get his ass kicked by practically everyone even a dead person can kick his ass before walking away luan herself doesn't believe it it she is less sceptical
Luan: Lisa this must be some kind of a joke your pulling here and I'm the expert on jokes we all know Lincoln can't fight to save his own life even Lilly can beat him up
Lisa: Nope I'm not elder sibling I'm not joking never have never will me too I thought Lincoln wouldn't win this altercation judging from his past instances but I saw it with my very own eyes I even recorded it on film and I replayed it afterwards  luan if you still don't believe me observe this Luan watched the video and she sees it but can't believe it Lincoln is beating up two punks now that's not something you see everyday.
Luan: Damn Lisa I'm sorry I didn't believe you but it's Lincoln we are talking about here I'm just speechless
Lisa: That's exactly how I was while looking at the view finder.

And seen this chapter is longer for a reason and this fight is symbolic I am beginning the build up to the one chapter everyone wants to see in part 1 Lincoln confronting the louds all I'm gonna say is strap in this is gonna be one bumpy ride see you guys in chapter 5 chiao

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