Chapter 6 Parental Rage

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Lynn Sr: what happened?
Principal Huggins: He got involved in a fight with two other boys today and we punished both sides but luckily for Lincoln he had some credible evidence and many backers who spoke on his behalf which saved him from a worse punishment basically Lincoln was given a lighter punishment compared to the other boys.
Lynn Sr: How long will he be suspended?
Principal Huggins: 3 days we gave him the letter to prove it but he's allowed to come for extra mural activities after school
Lynn Sr: Ok sir thank you I'll take it from here.
Principal Huggins: Ok Mr loud goodbye.
Lynn Sr: Goodbye
And he hung up
In Lynn's mind: when will that bloody boy learn!
Lynn sighs and decided to call Rita
With Rita
As she waits for her husband to come pick her up from work she received a phone call from him and she answers
Rita: Hello
Lynn Sr: Hey honey I got some bad news to tell you
Rita: what is it dear?
Lynn Sr: Lincoln got suspended from school
It takes a minute but finally Rita says something
Rita: What!!
Lynn Sr: Yeah I got a phone call from the principal a few minutes ago
Rita: What did he do!
And Lynn tells Rita the same story that Principal Huggins told him minutes ago of Lincoln being involved in a fight and how long he'll be suspended before he finally gets to the dentist's office and she boards Vanzilla but one thing is for sure the loud matriarch wasn't one bit happy
Rita: What the hell is wrong with Lincoln! Does he enjoy making our lives miserable and embarrassing us!!!
Lynn Sr: I don't know honey but I'm currently thinking of a good punishment for him
Rita: If I could go back in time right now I would've aborted his trouble making ass
Lynn Sr: we'll make him sleep in the backyard for a month he clearly is a walking disaster that little asshole!

Meanwhile Lincoln was currently waiting for the inevitable as his sisters already tore at him for what happened and that means he was in for a long night so he decided to call Ronnie Anne
Lincoln: might as well I might not have it after today and pressed the button
Ronnie Anne: Hello
Lincoln: Hey
Ronnie Anne: Hey Linc how's it going?
Lincoln: not good been having a bad couple of months
Ronnie Anne: Why what happened??
Lincoln: Two bad things that's making my life a living hell
Ronnie Anne: Ok name them
Lincoln: Well first Chandler and his crew picked on me for wearing a squirrel costume it gotto the point were I lost it and kicked two of his goons' asses earlier today
Ronnie Anne: Yeah I heard about that fight through my royal woods friends they also sent me a video of it and I watched it wow got to hand it to you lameo didn't think you had the balls to do that but back up for a second squirrel costume??? Why in the world would you wear that thing???
Lincoln: That brings me to the second and more important reason why I was going through hell, my whole family thinks that this thing is good luck
Ronnie Anne: Good luck! She shouts before she starts laughing after a few seconds she responds luck doesn't get you anywhere skill does, why don't you take it off
Lincoln: I would if it didn't mean being beaten up for no reason
Ronnie Anne: Ok loud it's clear this is bigger than just a suit problem tell me what happened
Lincoln then tells her everything from trying to dodge his sisters activities to being threatened to come to her game before being blamed for the loss by Lynn Jr to helping spread the lie around the house before it all got to the point the louds including the parents locked him out of the house and sold his furniture and up until he had to sneak into Lynn's next game in the squirrel mascot suit to prove he wasn't bad luck before they apologized but started with this good luck shit when he was done Ronalda was pissed and shocked she always thought despite the chaos they all loved each other apparently this wasn't true
Ronnie Anne: Are your family crazy! Why would they do that!
Lincoln: I don't know what to do
Ronnie Anne: I'd say you should put them in their places!
Lincoln: I doubt violence will help
Ronnie Anne: You never know Lincoln anyway I'll see you tomorrow I must go bye
Lincoln: bye
As he put the phone down he signed he wasn't a violent person, yes he got into fights with his sisters many times in the past especially when he was really angry but more often than not he would be whipped by the girls either one on one or him against them because whenever he would fight them he'd likely lose as he didn't go all out against them like he did today but at this point that option isn't completely out the window with how they're treating him currently
Lola: Linky put on the suit dad's calling you
Lynn Sr: Lincoln get down here right now!
Immediately after he said that he was met by Lincoln wearing the squirrel suit
Lynn Sr: good now sit down!
Lynn Sr: I got a phone call from the school principal and he said you were suspended because you were in a fight! Is that true?
Lincoln: Yes
Rita: Lincoln what's gotten into you!
Lincoln: Nothing I was being bullied by the two idiots I fought because they were picking on me because of this fucking suit you forced me to wear!
Lynn Sr: That is no way of talking to your mother young man! Now go to your room tonight starting from tomorrow for 3 days you'll spend the night in the back yard and you'll be cleaning the house and washing Vanzilla and the pets as well as go to events with the girls to support them now go to your room or else we'll call the police on you!
Lincoln backs off and is glared at by his sisters on his way to his room before shutting the door
Lynn Sr: Luan!, Lola!,Lucy! Come down now please
The three girls came down and sat down with their father
Lynn Sr: Ok girls me and your mother were thinking how about you guys teach Lincoln a lesson during drama class
Luan: Ain't he suspended from school
Lynn Sr: He is but he's allowed to attend extra activities so why don't you all humiliate him
All three girls: ok dad good it's time we put this boy in his place

That took a while to write but I'm done apparently the louds are preparing to damn Lincoln again we'll see how that turns out but little do they know they're gonna unleash hell from a tortured child in the next chapter this is the last chapter before the confrontation bye

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