Chapter 13 Mind Games

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After releasing the twins the two cops team up again and fetch the last loud in line and then there was only one, Lisa Marie Loud, the second youngest, yet most intellectual of the loud siblings. The detectives immediately recognized the young toddler from some newspapers and interviews, stories about a super smart prodigy kid who's brain somehow got bigger with every passing day and teaches her own class in college with some journalists even said this kid could lead them into the new century. Though they did find it odd that a smart person like this would believe in such a silly superstition, they were curious how she fell for such sham but it would be anything but easy apparently she was just as emotionless as Lucy but even if she knew how to express her emotions. Let's not forget despite her elephant brain, Lisa is still a toddler and they are just full of emotions.

With the aforementioned prodigy child she was sitting patiently in her seat. Her expression was dull and vid of any emotion like they expected, both cops decided to enter together again.
Officer Ryan: Well Lisa it all comes down to you
Lisa: Before you ask, I am prepared to provide you with appropriate and accurate responses to all your questions she says while her expression remains unchanged
Officer Lewis: While you're at it, can you carry my thesaurus? He said as he rolls his eyes. You seem really good at that
Lisa tried not to, but she couldn't help but send a slight glare at Lewis which Ryan caught
Officer Ryan: Um, please excuse him and just answer our questions and you'll be on your way.
Officer Lewis: Except for your parents
Ryan: John. He glared before sighing, Okay look we've heard of you Lisa. Your one of the most gifted prodigies in the country at the age of 4, an age where most people would be drooling in their coloring books while you on the other hand have mastered cold fusion.
Lisa: I outgrew that childish activity. she said as she folds her arms
Lewis: Like you've outgrown caring about your family? He asked in an annoyed tone
Ryan:Oh my god while he slaps his forehead in annoyance
Lisa: I don't appreciate your of voice
Lewis held up his hands in defence
Lewis: Hey I'm just calling it as it is, I mean, when you think about it for a second, it shouldn't be a surprise that a smartypants like yourself doesn't care about anyone or anything but your precious research.
Lisa: I'll have you know that my experiments are very important and require a lot of attention
Lewis dryly laughed before saying
Lewis: Oh I know and I actually agree with you there ankle biter, we've actually have heard reports of explosions at your house and that you point freaky gadgets at your siblings sometimes even parents. Is that what you think of your family as lab rats that you can abuse whenever you feel like it? If I remember correctly, experimenting on humans is also illegal you know and instead of regular jail you could be going to a government prison and those are far worse
Ryan: Do I need to put you in a timeout? He said to his partner before turning to Lisa. Look don't be afraid, your still just a kid they won't punish you that harshly
Lisa: It's.... she gulped once it's.. alright she says as she quivers in fear
Ryan: Lisa, we know that you're a special kid, heck I might ask you to tutor my son, he's in the 7th grade... for the fourth time. The point is your a very bright girl and so it confuses me that someone of your calibre could be misguided by superstition
She sighed before answering
Lisa: I'm honestly asking myself that question as we speak, for the first time in my life, I don't have a clear answer or logical conclusion,she looked down in guilt, I'm aware I don't express it a lot, but I truly do have fondness for my parental units, my sisters and especially the only person in the world I can call brother, she chuckled a bit. You know secretly I consider Lincoln my intellectual equal in our family, He may not come even close to be really as smart as I am, but he's up there. His plans might be a bit too convoluted, but they're well thought out, that's why I respect him
Ryan: So you sometimes look up to Lincoln?
She shrugged her shoulders
Lisa: That's one way of putting it. The one thing I do like about him is that he sometimes encourages me to live a little more, To accept the virtues of having fun and accepting that not everything is about test tubes and chemicals
Ryan: Wow that's awfully nice of him he said with a smile
Lisa: Yes it is, I also like how he makes my sandwiches her face turns sour and what do I do in return? Constantly look down on him and the others for not being as studious as I am, she clenched her fists. Consistently take advantage of my family to fuel my research and the worst part of all, she startedto shake... to allow myself to fall victim to a ridiculous and idiotic superstition so much that me along with my family alienated him as if he was some lowly parasite! Her lips started to quiver. To cruelly evict him from his own home, without even considering the legal issues that would entail or the possibility of him being shot by a lowlife or taken by a depraved animal like we're a bunch of ignorant, hypocritical neophytes! Her voice started to raise and tears started to form. Excuse my rapping but How the hell could we such damn idiots she cried but this time with a lot of pent up rage aimed only at herself and her family along with sadness as well. She looked down as she cried forgive me my brother!.... she sobbed. Please forgive me!

After that drama show Lisa was sent back as the parents were called back in
Ryan: So that's everyone right?
Both parents: Yes
Lewis: Ok have you chosen who to take care of your kids while your staying here?
Rita: Yes we have my father Albert Mortensen
Ryan: Ok then we'll call him to come pick up the stations but you two are not leaving you better find damn good lawyer because you'll need them!
Lynn Sr: Yes officer
The couple are escorted to a permanent cell
Lewis: You call this Albert guy we'll deal with the louds
Ryan: cool
He calls the retirement home
A happy voice answers
Sue: Hello welcome to Sunset Canyons how can I help you
Ryan: Hello I'm looking Albert Mortensen, is he available
The voice immediately gets irritated
Sue: Yes let me go get him she said annoyed
It doesn't take long before Albert is put through
Albert: Hello
Ryan: Hello Albert this is officer Ryan from the royal woods police station we have your daughter, son in law and granddaughters in custody
Albert: What!!! Why? And where's my grandson
Ryan: Well about that it's better they explain it to you
Albert: ok I'll be over right away
Ryan: Ok bye
Albert: bye, he hangs up before slapping his forehead. Why do I get the feeling I won't like why they're all in prison but mob mentality has something to with it

Across town Lincoln and Clyde were taking a walk
Lincoln: man am I glad to be away from those freaks
Clyde: you said it buddy
Lincoln: Yeah but Clyde I have a feeling this is all far from over in fact this is only the beginning
Clyde: I also am thinking that Lincoln this is just the start of things to come
Little did the two boys know that in a few weeks their suspicions will be proven true

Done at last those two boys are smart the future won't be kind to anyone by the name loud in a few weeks things are gonna get ugly as hell awaits all 13 louds with some going to be spending time behind bars and others sent to foster homes and one being deported thanks guys chapter 14 will be out soon enough bye

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