Chapter 18 The Day of Reckoning for The Louds Part 2

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Prosecutor: Ok miss Santiago, tell me how was your relationship with Lincoln loud?
Ronnie Anne: It's good we are good friends
Prosecutor: Ok so have you heard of anything wrong going on in the loud house?
Ronnie Anne: Yeah I have more than once actually
Prosecutor: Ok explain
Ronnie Anne: Well one time it was April fools I was invited to come over to his house by his sister Luan, she told he had a surprise for me on and I should bring one for him, apparently I was just a pawn in her plan. She called me over so that Lincoln could come out and stop me getting pranked by setting off all those pranks on himself, Now after I found out what she put him through I took the pie that was originally intended for him and thrown it in her face, Sort of avenging him.
Prosecutor: Any other incidents?
Ronnie Anne: Well...
She went on for the next 10 minutes of what his sisters did to him that she bared witness too by the time she finished everyone was shocked, the defense lawyer tried to attack Ronalda with questions that are difficult to answer but Ronnie Anne was a smooth operator and outclassed her older opponent.
Prosecutor: Next witness please.
For the remainder of the day the court heard testimonies from neighbors and friends including Clyde and Bobby on the sisters and even parents misdeeds with Clyde even remembering the times both he and Lincoln were called niggars or negros by the louds, which made the louds lower their heads, every testimony only made them wish they could shrink or die right there.
Judge McDonald: I think we have heard enough for one day we'll resume tomorrow with testimonies from the accused starting with their daughters thank you. he smacked his gavel.
Prosecutor: All rise!!
Everyone got up and exited the court and headed home as the louds were heading to their car they passed by Barbara Walters who was reporting what went down in court
Barbara Walters: In all my years of journalism I have never seen such hate or abuse against a child ( then she notices the louds and runs over for a comment)
Barbara Walters: Mr and Mrs Loud, loud daughters, care to comment here on this matter?
Lori: Can you parasites just leave us alone already yes what we did was wrong, very wrong but do you all have to remind us about it constantly! here's your comment Barbara go fuck yourself! they left leaving the journalist and her crew
Barbara Walters: Well as you saw those accusations of the louds aren't as farfetched as they were at first, I'll be here tomorrow morning on the today show to give you all a more in detail update this is Barbara Walters from NBC.
The following day at 09:00
Prosecutor: All rise! everyone got up before sitting down. Ok can miss Lori Loud come to the stand.
Lori got up she was wearing a blue suit with matching heels and make up and went to the stand she was scared very scared but she had no choice.
Prosecutor: Lori Loud you promise to speak the truth all the truth and nothing but the truth right?
Lori: Yes I promise
Prosecutor: Miss loud, tell me when you were fully trusted to take care of your siblings how old were you then
Lori: I was 13 years old
Prosecutor: Has anyone ever got hurt under your watch
Lori: No, when our parents are not around I make sure to keep order and control in the house
Prosecutor: Ok well from what we gathered here, you are quite the accomplished star, at the age of 17 you already have a driver's license, you had a job, you were in a relationship and you were about to enroll in either the university of Alabama or New York University since you were rejected by the university of New Mexico and you had big plans of going there. that's quite impressive for someone your age, most teenagers wouldn't be so well rounded this quickly
Lori: Well I was raised in the right direction (her parents smiled at that response) infact all my siblings were raised in the right direction. we just made a few terrible mistakes especially the one we are here for. And then she looked at Lincoln who was sitting in the middle next to Clyde in his white suit as he looked at her glaring before she continued. Lincoln, what we did to you was horrible and we wouldn't wish it on our worst enemies, we wish we could go back in time and stop this while we had the chance, Please brother believe me when I say this we are sorry for what happened and we hope to resolve any issues you have with us, Even if you hate us, we just want you to know we love you and we'll always be here if you need to talk.
It would be a lie if No one took a tissue and wiped their eyes or blew their noses
Lincoln's expression didn't change neither did his opinion on them as he grumbled something to himself and looked down.
Mrs Winters: Your honour, Lincoln Loud is Cleary very much loved, they all clearly regret what they did and would do anything for a chance to redeem themselves and earn his forgiveness, I think it's best we give them that chance so they can put this issue and others behind them and move on and be the best family they could be to him, please your honor give my clients a chance, I rest my case.
The jury nodded and seemed to consider the suggestion from the defense lawyer, it seems like things are looking good for the louds.
Mr Shadrack got up
John Shadrack: Your honour what we heard was beautiful and it touched my heart and that's where the problem lies!

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