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I never pictured myself in a cell. Right now, I was leaning my head against the dark blue wall, staring outside of the cell. I saw a mom and a little girl waiting in the lobby. The little girl was playing hide-and-go-seek with her mom. Her little legs were running so fast, it was so cute. It reminded me of all the times my mom would play games with me when I was younger.

"Hey, kid!" A voice yelled. I lifted my head off of the wall and looked at the officer, who was sitting at a desk across from the cell. "Are you sure you don't wanna make a phone call?" Yes, I'm sure. I'm sure that I don't want to call my family because my head will be on a stick as soon as they find out that I am in jail.

"Nope." I said, shaking my head. "I guess I'll be sleeping here for the night." I said. The police officer sighed and said, "Okay." He returned to his paperwork that was on his desk.

I didn't really wanna spend the night in a cell, but then again, I didn't want Michaela's mom to find out what had just happened to me. There's no doubt in my mind that I think that she would ever believe that I committed a crime or whatever, but at the same time, I don't know what she'll think of me. After all, Michaela and I did stop talking, who knows what Michaela has said to her mom after she and I split. Maybe Michaela blamed it on me and pretended that I was the bad guy or maybe she didn't. I don't know and I don't want to know. And I, for damn sure, do not want to wake Jackie up in the middle of the night and have her come her to bail me out for $5,000, which doesn't make any fucking sense to me, since I didn't do shit. I was set up by that bitch from the gas station.

Why should I have to pay that amount of money? Does it look like I bathe in a tub filled with dirty money? My family is far from rich and even if they were rich, I'm pretty sure after what happened yesterday, they won't be bailing me out of anywhere. God, what the fuck am I supposed to do? First, I got kicked out of the house and now I'm apart of some serious federal investigation? They don't actually believe that I did this shit, right?

"Hey," I called to the officer who was still working at his desk. He looked up and said, "What?" I walked closer to the bars and wrapped my arms around them. "You don't actually believe that I did this, right? It is literally impossible for someone like me to do basic elementary Algebra, and you guys think that I had something to do with the 2016 election? Are you shitting me right now?" I asked. The officer took his glasses off and sighed, "Listen kid, I don't care what subject you're weak in. All I know is that me and my team found that chip on you."

I rolled my eyes and sighed deeply, "Because that girl that you have in your custody, she set me up. Whatever her name is—"

"Her name is Maria Santiago."

"I don't care what her name is. She's the one who put the chip behind my pocket, how was I supposed to know?" I asked, getting even more pissed at the man.

"Maybe you shouldn't have been at a gas station at 10:00 o' clock at night. What were you doing out there anyway? Shouldn't you be home with your family?" No, sir, actually, my parents are six feet under and at the moment, my family is dead to me.

"I-It's complicated."

"Yeah, same here too, kid." Maybe this guy is actually showing sympathy for me. Maybe, he actually does have a change of heart. I smiled, batting my eyelashes rapidly, trying to somehow charm him, which will probably not work, but at least it's worth a try. "So, are you going to let me out?"

The officer smiled at me and got up from his chair, walking over to my cell. "No." My smile has suddenly dropped from my face as the man was laughing his ass off. "You know what. You can sincerely go and fuck yourself."

"Hey, you better watch that mouth of yours, kid! I don't know who you think you're talking to but—"

"Are you deaf? I'm talking to you, Shrek. What part of "I didn't do it", do you not get? Now, I would really appreciate it, if you would just let me out of your smelly swamp. It's smells like cheese and feet." I snapped.

Unanchored: Inspired by Demi Lovato (book 1 of the unanchored series)Where stories live. Discover now