34. ⚓️

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After Nick caught me trying to swipe a bottle of morphine, he had been watching me like a hawk. I was grateful that he didn't tell Demi about the whole situation, otherwise, I would have made it worse for myself again. Something that I had noticed about Nick was that he was no longer in his wheelchair. He was doing well. He was walking but he had to use a cane. Believe it or not, I'm actually proud of Nick for deciding to go to physical therapy because there were so many times when Emma would tell me that her dad was too upset to do anything. Let alone get out of the bed and go to physical therapy. I guess he was depressed about possibly having to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair and having people cater to his every need. The question that is always on my mind is how Nick even got himself in a wheelchair in the first place?

"Did you call your uncle?" Demi asked while she was chopping up a carrot on a cutting board. "Yes," I lied. Demi stopped chopping and she glared at me. "Jade, please do not lie to me," Demi said, pointing the knife in my direction. "Jesus, could you be a little more careful with that? Are you trying to kill me?" I chuckled while trying to balancing a water bottle on my head but then Demi snatched the bottle off of my head. "Hey. What did you do that for?" I asked, getting at her. "Now is not the time to joke around, Jade. You were raped by your best friend's uncle twice." Demi shouted in a whisper. "No shit but do you have to keep reminding me that every fucking second," I said, rolling my eyes and getting up from the kitchen stool.

I saw Demi walking towards me in the corner of my eye. "Are you running away again?" She asked. Did she really just ask me that dumb ass question? Like, I had anywhere else to go and even if I did, I don't understand why she cares so much. "Yes, but I'll be back before the street lights come on." I said, giving her a smartass remark. While I was walking out of the house, I saw Nick in the living room watching The Office, which happened to be one of my favorite shows minus Bad Girls Club. He saw me looking at him while I was walking by and he just stared at me. I don't understand why he is so fucking weird. Like, how did Demi even marry this guy? He's a dick and he's a fucking weirdo just like Porc. I kind of missed Porc. I don't know where he went but I wish that he would come back and give me some sort of explanation as to why he ghosted me.

As I made my way outside of Demi's house, I closed the door behind me and sat down on the front porch steps. I took out a cigarette from the pocket of my hoodie. I found it in the toilet bowl when I was sticking my bag of pills that I stole from Nick's cabinet while he was downstairs this morning. When I found the cigarette, I knew I had to put the bag somewhere else, so I went back to Emma's room and I remembered where she said she used to stash condoms, thongs, also known as lucky ladies, molly in form of pills and her five juuls. Yes, I said five juuls and at this point, I've learned to not question things and to just shut the fuck up. I also remember she said that it was in a blue Skechers shoebox under her bed, which was a dumb place to put a shoebox. I guess it's not like her mom isn't going to snoop around and accidentally stumble upon the box. So, long story short, I put the bag in Emma's stash box. I know that it might seem like a dumb idea but for all she knows, they're probably just more molly pills that I "got" from a "friend."

I took out the cigarette and put it to my mouth. The second I forgot that I didn't have a lighter to light it, so I decided to go back to the house. As soon as I turned my back, standing there is Nick all high and might just because he can fucking walk again. "Did you forget something?" He asked, hoping that I would say no but I honestly didn't give a fuck and I didn't have any energy in me to lie. So what if I smoked, it's just one cigarette. It's not like I'm going to become addicted to it. "As a matter of fact, I did." I proudly said, getting up from the steps and right when I was about to go inside, Nick says, "Why don't you just cut it?" I scoffed and turned back around, "Cut what?"

Nick walked closer to me and responded, "This act of yours and you pretending to be a badass." I chuckled, shaking my head, "I am a badass." "No, you're not. You're only smoking to forget about how fucked up your life is and..." I walked over to him and yelled, "Hey! You have no fucking right to tell me who I am. You don't even know me." I scolded. Nick looked down and shook his head, running his fingers through his hair. "Yes. Yes, I do. You're nothing but a scared little girl who's made some bad choices in her life. Let's face it, Jade. You're hurting. You're broken." My blood was boiling and my temperature was rising. I wanted to punch the shit out of him. How dare he? He really is a douchebag.

Nick walked right past me, heading towards the house. I turned around as I felt tears form in my eyes, "Take it back." Nick turned around and said, "No." No? Huh. That's it, I've had enough. Before I knew it, I punched Nick in the face and he was out cold. Demi came shortly after and she came to Nick's aid. She scolded me as she was helping Nick recover from the hard blow. Well, he deserved it. Sorry, not sorry.

Unanchored: Inspired by Demi Lovato (book 1 of the unanchored series)Where stories live. Discover now