25. ⚓️ Part 2

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I know I hurt Demi when I called her a bad mother but I didn't mean to hurt her. I had to make it up to her somehow, but I couldn't do it now. I had to do it later, when I came back from the Netherlands. After what I said to Demi, she probably didn't even want to see my face. I mean, can you blame her? I guess it was probably a bad idea to show up uninvited to her house on Christmas night. But I needed something from her, I knew she would give it to me, if I pulled her strings hard enough.

After contemplating on whether or not I should knock on Demi's front door, I finally mustered up the strength to knock on the door and then somehow, that strength flew out the window. So, I thought about it some more and while I was thinking, the door opened and I couldn't see the person who had answered the door. My eyes trailed from the coat rack in Demi's hallway down to Nick in his wheelchair. He had a dirty look on his face, which wasn't something new because I was used to seeing this side of him. Nick was like that one friend in your group that you just don't get along with because he's always fucking pissed off about something or conversations with him are just fucking awkward.

Honestly, I don't know how Demi and Emma put up with Nick's shit. After all, they are his family, but still, how the fuck can you act like a dick all the time? It must be tiring being the World's Biggest Douche. Maybe something so bad happened to him that he acted the way he did for a reason. Even if something did happen to Nick before I met him, he didn't have to act like a jerk. Like, for fuck's sake, would it kill you to be fucking nice once in a while?

Suddenly, his frown was replaced with a smile. "Jade," Nick said, wheeling himself closer to me and extending his arms out for me to hug him, which completely fucking shocked the shit out of me. Woah, there. Hello, lethal injection. "Hey, how are you? What are you doing here?" Nick asked, forcing me to hug him awkwardly. He patted my back and we both pulled away. I gave him a small smile and answered, "I'm good. Um, actually I was wondering if I could talk to Demi. Is she here?"

"Yeah, she's in the kitchen with Emma, they're making a gingerbread house. Why don't you come in, it's a little chilly out there." Nick invited and I smiled, nodding. "Okay, sure." I stepped inside and closed the door behind me, locking it. God, I hope I don't have to stay here longer than I intended to. I just wanted Demi to give me money to go buy a plane ticket to Friesland. Yeah right, like it would be that easy. I would have to strike up the conversation with something witty to lighten the mood that was currently standing in the middle of us, which was mostly my fault because I'm unanchored and if you haven't noticed by now, unanchored people tend to fuck everything up. So, as a member of Society's Rejects Club, I have to fix everything. I have to fix the mess that I have made with Demi. Of course, the only thing that's on my mind right now is getting that plane ticket and getting on a plane to Friesland but Demi was important to me and I didn't want her to feel like shit just because of what I said. I needed  to do what I always did, apologize and smooth things over with her.

You know, till this day, I still don't know what happened to Nick. I hope whatever happened to Nick was the last because whatever he did that day Emma slept over my grandparents' house, it really upset her. I hate seeing people who I cared about hurt, especially Emma. She was like a sister to me, if something happened to her, I don't know what I'd do. The same goes for Gracie, Rina, and surprisingly, Michaela's trifling ass. Even though Michaela pissed me off when she stole my boyfriend and ruined our friendship. I forgive her because she got herself onto a rollercoaster and had no idea how many motherfucking twists and loops she'd have to go through. Let's be honest, we've all made mistakes, we're not perfect.

"Are you going somewhere?" Nick asks, referring to my huge mustard yellow Fjällräven Kånken backpack. "Uh...I'm just grabbing a few things at my grandparents' house." Nick nodded and proceeded to wheel himself down the hall to the kitchen. "Nick, was that the door?!" Demi yelled from the kitchen. "Dad, who are you talking to?" Emma asked, furrowing her eyebrows and walking towards Nick while I slowly poked my head in the doorway of the kitchen. Emma's eyes widened and a smile spread across her face, "Jade! You hoe, where have you been?!" Emma yelled, running to me and throwing her arms around my neck. I laughed, hugging her back.

Unanchored: Inspired by Demi Lovato (book 1 of the unanchored series)Where stories live. Discover now