2 Stories high

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started fiddled with my hair tie around my wrist, observing my surroundings, we were in the middle of nowhere.

Amara pov

We walked up a driveway followed by a large house. Billie took me in still holding my wrists tight.
I was more calm knowing it wasn't a small crappy cabin or a crime street.
It was really nice inside, clean and homey.
We silently walked up the stairs. At the top was 8 doors 4 on either side. I thought about asking her what she was going to do with me I decided not to, to prevent getting yelled at. All I knew was she took me cause I was going to snitch, I wouldnt have she had let me go.
"In" she demanded pointing to one of the rooms.
I quickly opened the door not wanting to upset her.
The room was clean with a bed, a small closet, drawers, and a bathroom connecting.
I finally got the courage to ask her. "What exactly are y-you gonna do with me." I said my voice obviously shaking
"You won't get hurt as long as you follow the rules and do exactly what I say NO backtalk NO leaving this room and NO escaping." She hissed
I nodded, starting chew on my nails.
She lifted my chin up my eyes meeting hers.
"And you know what will happen if you try to escape." She said in a threatening voice
I nodded and she let go.

All I have to do is open the window and jump out. It was only an hour drive so it won't take too long to get to a busy street.

"You stay here for the night no leaving unless you have to go to the bathroom." She said pointing at me
I just looked at her.
"Yes? No?? Do you get what i'm saying??" She snapped
I nodded
She took out a rope and tied my ankle to the bed frame.
"Do you want something to eat or drink before you go to bed?" She asked
I thought of something that would take a while
"Uhm yes, uh can you make cookies?" I smiled
She nodded and walked away

Yes I thought to myself I can untie the rope, open the window, and escape.

I got a rush of excitement knowing I would finally get to go. After she left, I untied the rope as quick as I could. I quickly jumped of the bed and headed to the window.

2 stories high

I sighed to myself knowing it would hurt to jump.
As I was opening it I heard footsteps coming. "Shit shit shit shit" I whispered to myself.

She must've had premade cookies

The door opened and I quickly stepped one foot onto the small ledge only a half a foot wide.

Chapter 4:)) What do you think will happen next? Comment your thoughts and if I should update♡

Prisoner (Kidnapped By B.E. *Non-sexual*) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now