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I looked up suprised to see a familiar face and froze.

Amara pov

"Ah there you are!" Billie smirked grabbing my wrist yanking me up.
"Ouch" I yelped

I forgot she wore Jordans..

"Why did you fucking do that??" she quietly yelled glaring at me, jerking me closer
"Idk I- was just uh-"
"Escaping" she interrupted, growling at me
"No no no that's not it" I said quickly, gulping repeatedly.
"Your in huge trouble" she snapped basically cutting the surculation of my wrist.


"HE-" Billie aggressively pressed her hand over my mouth before I could yell for help. She looked around noticing no one was watching and gave me a quick slap across the face. We got outside and she took her hand off.
"What w-"
"Uh! No words get the fuck in now." she snapped interrupting me pointed to the van.
I stood there trying to decide if it was possible to escape, but before i could billie shoved me in the van.
"Your going to regret doing that" she hissed looking in the rear view mirror
"Im not scared of you" I blurted out
Her eyes narrowed still looking through the mirror
I was scared. But i wasnt going to admut it.
"You should be" she finally said

I tried to convince myself she wasn't intimidating but she gave off that vibe. It was like a cycle she would always be nice after some time then after I messed up she would be mean again, but I think I really messed up this time.
I guess I didn't keep my promise about not being a brat.
We pulled up to the driveway my heart started racing again.
She opened her door angrily opening my door pulling me out.
She took me back to my room and locked me in.

Oh that wasn't even a bad punishment.

I thought too quickly because Billie came back in with something in her hand. It was rope

"Come here now" she ordered

Are you fucking kidding me

I slowly stepped toward her as she moved my hair and tied it around my neck
She tied it to a hook in the wall above me so I couldn't sit down.
"I trusted you" she said through her teeth and slamming the door walking to her room.
I tried to untie it but it wouldnt budge. And I couldnt see the knot so that made it 5× harder.
I'm suprised they haven't killed me yet.
"Hey escape artist, I heard you tried to escape in the mall?" Mina said clicking her tongue while shaking her head in a joking way.
"B-but I didn't, I dropped a tag and was looking under to see where it was." I lied
"That's not what Billie said" she replied

Another chapter!! comment your thoughts and dont forget to vote:)♡♡

Prisoner (Kidnapped By B.E. *Non-sexual*) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now