Billies pov

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Billies pov

She was being a fucking bitch. I just wanted to strangle her right then and there. I knew she felt the same about me but she was going to love being here and that was that.
It irritated me when she jerked from my grip. My instinct was to jump on top of her. So I did
"Don't look down when i'm talking to you" I snapped pinning her down.
She looked like she was going to cry.
It felt good to have someone to boss around I couldn't really be mean to anyone else because it was against the rules and of course I was the youngest.
"Get off!!" She yelled in shock
I slapped her for yelling it felt good not gonna lie. She started crying I felt a little bad but she needed to get used to things around here.
I got up and went to my room to get dressed for bed. I took off all my chains and jewelry and slipped on a big tshirt. Then put my hair in a messy bun. I saw Amara peeking her head out of the door, then sneaking down the stairs. Instead of yelling I just watched seeing what she would do.

Amara pov

I sat in my room still trying to process what just happened. I peaked my head out to see if the coast was clear. I was starving, I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast. I snuck down the stairs hoping no one was downstairs. I opened the fridge and took out a peice of leftover pizza. Still didn't fill me up. I opened the fridge getting yogurt. And realized

I was supposed to ask Billie permission to get me food. I could get in a ton of trouble by Billie.

I scoffed, smiling

What was so intimidating about Billie anyway she was only a few years older than me.

I tiptoed back up the wooden stairs trying not to make a sound.
I hurried up the stairs when I reached the top almost to my room I felt an arm grab me.

Oh shit here we go again

It was Billie of course..she gripped my arm tight and dragged me into my room.
"What was one of the rules!?" She quietly yelled
"Don't go without your permission" I smiled with confidence, what was she gonna do hit me? I was already used to that.
"Ive had just about enough with you" she growled now in a none whispering voice
"Get over here now" she commanded.

Ive about had it with her and I wasn't going to obey her. I'm not her slave. And I certainly didn't learn my lesson on obeying her.

Chapter 13!! Comment your thoughts and if I should update♡♡

Prisoner (Kidnapped By B.E. *Non-sexual*) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now