faint cries

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"That's not what Billie said" she replied

Amara pov

"Billie isn't me." I said getting pissed off
She shrugged and walked away.
3 hours passed and my legs were getting really tired from standing.

Billies pov

I was beyond pissed at Amara. We started connecting and getting along but she blew it. Im going back to my not so nice self till she learned to not do shit like that.
After a few hours of making her stand I went back in and tied her to the bed for the night like usual to make sure she learned her lesson.
I went and brushed my teeth then went to bed myself.

"Time to get up and start your chores" I said still pissed flickering the lights half a dozen times.
She groaned and stretched even though she was still tied.

Amara pov

I woke up to Billie flickering the lights. I didn't even hear her come in so it scared me. I was going into deep thought still waking up from deep sleep, not even noticing I was staring right at Billie. She looked at me and I quickly looked away feeling awkward.
She broke the silence clearing her throat "I'm going to get you breakfast."
I moved my wrists in a circular motion stretching them out. And curling up on the bed.
"No falling back asleep" Billie ordered pointing a finger at me coming in with my breakfast.
It was 3 blueberry pancakes, syrup, and a medium side of fresh fruit.
My mouth watered as I smiled
Who knew that the food would be so good being a prisoner.
"Thank you"
"Mhm" Billie murmured closing the door
I kinda wished Billie would stay in here and keep me company I felt safe and not alone with her around.
I hated to admit it but it was true.
I finished my pancakes and fruit putting the plate on the dresser.
Then Billie gave me permission to go start doing my chores.
         ~ 2 weeks and 5 days later~

Its been the same everyday
I wake up Billie unties me I eat do my schedule and hang out in the living room, watch tv, or something, eat dinner then got to bed.
I'm finally able to go around the house without permission and have my arms and legs free.
It was night and I was drifting into sleep replaying everything that happend these passes few months.
I layed awake listening to the wind swirl and the faint sound of leaves moving along the gravel. My body was tired but my brain was wide awake. I felt myself drifting off to sleep.
The front door slammed which startled me making my eyes grow wide and my heart skip a beat.
I heard a few pairs of footsteps down the hall and a door shut. I started drifting off again, hearing a faint cry over the sound of the wind. My brain was pretty weird at night. But when I opened my eyes and shook my head a few times it was still there.
I got up and pressed my ear on the wall where I thought it was coming from.

Yep it was definitely in there

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Prisoner (Kidnapped By B.E. *Non-sexual*) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now