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I decided to stop doing Billies commands.

Amara pov

Why was I homesick now?? Shouldn't I have been a while ago??

I got caught up thinking about it again and again. I missed being free able to go out and take a walk or go to the store and get food or have a phone and snapchat my friends.
"Babes can you go down and clean the dirty dishes" Billie asked
I looked at her.
"Did you hear me??" She asked more impatiently
My head was about to nod but I fought it.
I was going to regret doing.
I still looked, staring at her ocean eyes.
"gOO clEAn THE dISHes" she said over pronouncing each word
"No" I simply murmured
She walked over, forcefully grabbing my jaw pulling it up to meet her eyes.
"You do everything I ask. Don't ever say no to me EVER." she snapped in a low threatening voice.
I flinched at her forceful words even though I was used to it.
I nodded quickly giving in.
She smirked and moved her head to the stairs signaling me to go down.
I hoped of the bed hesitating to go down.
I felt Billie shove me a little.
I was mad I let her push me around like this.
"Don't touch me" I quietly said looking down.
Her arm rose up and swung right in my face. I felt a burning sensation.
I slapped her back as a reflex.

What was I doing?? I could be on her good side, she could take me to the mall and I could escape.

"I-im sorry" I stuttered
"You will be" she spat grabbing my hand pulling me back in my room.
She tied a rope around my neck
"This will teach you not to hit me" she smirks tightening the rope.
To where I couldn't sit.
I heard the van pull out in the driveway.
I was left there for a few hours nothing to do full of regret.
I tried untying the knot multiple times but it wouldnt budge.
I was lost in thought when I heard the van pull up in the driveway.
Billie opened the door, her hair was
Black with green roots.
"I-I like your hair" I muttered
"Thank you" she replied
I sighed in relief she didn't seem mad at me anymore.
In fact she seemed overly happy.

Another cliffhanger osbxksbs hope you like it so far plz comment your thoughts and vote:))♡

Prisoner (Kidnapped By B.E. *Non-sexual*) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now