new schedule

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I walked upstairs forgetting which room was mine. I wanted to ask Billie but I was too afraid.

Amara pov

"Billie?" I quietly shouted from upstairs
"Yea?" She replied
"Which room is mine again?"
"Third on the right" she yelled up at me
"Ok" I said to myself

Why not look in the other rooms quick

I thought. I opened a door on the left a instant smell of blueberries filled my nostrils, it looked just like my room only more decorated and colorful.
"Snooping?" Lexi said smiling squeezing through

It was her room

"N-no sorry I-"
"Your fine haha" she giggled
I giggled back relieved. It would have been a whole different story if that was Billie.
I went to my room and looked at the schedule:


7:00- get up, and get ready

7:30- breakfast

8:00- put the dishes away

8:30- make breakfast

9:00- free time

10:00- laundry

10:15- clean room (if needed)

11:00- free time

11:30- lunch

12:15- sweep all wooden floors

12:45- free time

4:00- clean up anything messy

5:00- dinner

"I tried to make it easy as I could for you" Lexi said peaking her head in.
"Thanks" I said
"Hello happy with your schedule?" Billie asked barging in
"Oh y-yea" I replied startled
"Lemme see" she said, snatching it out of my hand
She frowned.

Of course shes not happy with it.

I turned my head so she couldn't see rolling my eyes as far as they could go, pretending to fix my hair.
    "No." Billie complained "too much free time." She continued
I growed to myself but I must've done it loud enough for her to hear. "What was that?" She asked sarcastically lifting up my chin forcing my eyes to meet hers. "huh? You got something to say?"
    "N-no" I said trying to calm my anger down.
"Good." She smirked
"You start monday, 1 more day" she said throwing the schedule on my lap, leaving.
I layed back on my bed letting my anger out with a big sigh.

This is so stressful

I thought to myself.
    "Its too much free time!"
I heard Billie arguing
"Relax, imagine if you were taken away from your family" Lexi replied
Then I heard a door slam.

Just when I thought she liked me, she starts something.

I walked over to my closet not getting a chance to see what was inside.

More clothes!!

It was packed with more expensive clothes. I changed into a large sweatshirt and leggings. The tags were still on


Just for the sweatshirt.
I looked at the rug, seeing the interesting texture, thats when I noticed a crease.

Wow chapter 10 already!!♡♡
Comment your thoughts and if I should update!!:)

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