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I peaked my head out the shower curtain. My eyes darted to the door as I noticed the shadow of someone standing outside the bathroom.
Amara pov

My heart was beating out of my chest. Normally I wouldn't worry but if they have the advantage of getting in the hotel room they can certainly get in the bathroom
    "Hand me the key Finneas" The same female voice said.
Just as I feared, they had a key.
I heard the horrifying sound of a key turning. The squeezing of the door filled my ears.
    "Ill look in the shower." The female voice said


I squeezed my eyes shut as it felt like hours till she opened the curtain.
"Well hello there" her voice beamed making me flinch.
I forced myself to open my eyes, which revealed a teenage girl that stood there smirking.
She grabbed my wrist and jerked me out of the tub.
"Hiding huh?" She says looking down at me
I stay quiet, bitting my lip to prevent from crying.
She draged me out of the bathroom still smirking, "Look what i found".
Four people rushed over observing me which sparked my anxiety, making tears threaten to fall from my eyes.
    "Wh-what are you going to do" I stuttered, a tear falling from my eye
"You are coming with us and don't try anything or you'll regret it" she snapped
That only made me cry harder.
"Shut it" she states slapping me.
I debating on whether I should slap her back. But i decided not to, who knows what she wants me for and what she'll do to me.
"P-please don't take me Y-you can take whatever you want" I said through sobs.
"I can do what ever the fuck I WANT" She growled.
    "Take her to the van" Finneas said.
"Bet" She replied, dragging me out the hotel room
"Don't you try to run or you'll be crying way harder than you are now" she says pointing a finger at me.
The tone in her voice made me flinch everytime she threatend me.
I was planning on twisting my wrist and running to the front desk.
    1..2..3 My adrenaline kicks in. I start to run while twisting my arm, breaking free from her grip. It wasn't long though till she got a hold of me again yanking me closer to her.
"HE-" I started to yell as Billie slammed her hand over my mouth.
I glanced over to see the guy at the front desk glance over with his eyebrow slightly raised.
"Help" I whimpered which came out as only a vibration with her hand over my mouth.
"Baby stop making a scene I'll get you a new one for Christmas" she lied trying to make it seem as I was her child even though I was about her age. I struggled in anger as the guy at the front desk looked back to what he was doing.

Fuck, I messed up my only chance...

I knew I was in big trouble as soon as we got back to the van.
"You will be really fucking sorry you tried that" she hissed walking faster to the van.

Hope you like it so far, Let me know in the comments what you think and if I should update♡ (the plot wasn't my original idea but everything that happend so far is)

Prisoner (Kidnapped By B.E. *Non-sexual*) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now