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"Something you wanna say?" She says widening her eyes

Amara pov

I shook my head, my face now turning back to innocent.
                    ~4 days later~

I finished getting out of the shower, smothering body lotion all over.
*knock knock* "you almost done? Its been an hour" Billie said
"Yea coming out soon" I said brushing my hair braiding it quick.
"I have some things to go over with you" she said patting a spot next to her on the bed signaling for me to come sit by her. I turned off the fan in the bathroom and hoped on the bed.
    "You can have some privileges now, but that means you have to start working around the house." She said sternly looking down at me
I nodded smiling

Finally I can get out of my room its been long enough

Then Billie put her arm around me, rubbing my arm. That was the first time she showed love to me. Even though it wasn't a hug I wrapped my arms around her. I don't know why I did but I wanted to. She smelled like Coconut and sweet mango.
    I looked up to see her looking down at me and slightly smiled. I pulled out and she continued
"Lexi will have your schedule downstairs. You will also meet everyone when I'm done. You have to be on time and follow all the rules no back talking to anyone here that includes swearing!! If you want to leave the room ask permission no matter how far it is, I will come in and wake you up or give you permission to go down and do your schedule every day. And one more thing NO escaping." She said dramatically
I GET IT I won't try to escape anymore if you would be nice.
Why did she have keep reminding me??

I thought to myself.
"Give me your hand" she demanded
We walked down the hall "Here's the bathroom" she said pushing open the door revealing a beautiful marable sink with a real sea shells inside. The shower was really fancy, it had color changing lights and different settings.
"Ok moving along now" she said grabbing my hand and taking me downstairs. "Wow" I said quietly to myself looking around.
    "This is lexi" she said
"Hi" she said smiling holding out her hand. I shook it and smiled back.
I met everyone. They were all nice except Billie, great. Even though she was warming up a bit to me I still hate her and there was nothing that could change that. I'm pretty sure she hates me too. "Here's your schedule bby" Lexi said handing me a peice of paper. "Thank you" I mumbled smiling up at her
"Oh I forgot to ask how old are you?" Billie asked
I silently sighed "16"
"Good girl now go up to your room and read over the schedule, Ill let it slide if your not on time the first few days but not after."
I walked upstairs forgetting which room was mine. I wanted to ask Billie but I was too afraid.

Chapter 9 <33 tell my your thoughts so far:)) let me know if I should update!!

Prisoner (Kidnapped By B.E. *Non-sexual*) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now