not again

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They were already walking away but they looked extremely familiar even though I couldn't see their faces, but then it came to me..they were my parents.

Amara pov

"MOM?! DAD?!" I called desperately realized I had just lost sight of where they went.
I started shoving people out of the way hoping Billie wouldn't come back and get me.
"Amara!!" I heard Billie call my name making me jerk my head back to see her waving her hand for me to come. I turned around trying to blend in with the crowd.
I soon felt my a pair of hands grab me which I assumed was Billie. As an instinct I hit her in the neck making her let go. I kept going to find my parents through the crowd.
I ran to a not so crowded place to catch my breath, near a park bench..which wasnt the best idea.
"There you are" I heard Billies voice quiet and threatening making my heart drop.
She aggressively grabbed me.
I felt my whole body being shoved in a suitcase, not giving me a chance to make a scene. I screamed loud noticing it was greatly muffled and people all around were chatting so they could never hear.
I curled up in a ball and cried more than I ever have, I never felt so hopeless in my life.
"Get her in the car and make sure she won't ever escape ever again." What sounded like Mina said, a few minutes later of silence from the gang.
I heard talking back in forth as I could tell we were in the parking lot with very few people, but I blanked out on a lot of what they were saying, from crying so much.
I decided to open my eyes and feel around for anything that would help me get out. It was hot and airtight making it harder and harder to breath. Panic soon rose when the air I had left was running out.
"I can't breath" I panicked almost coughing.
My breath had become increasingly short as I tried to slow it down keeping whatever air I had left for who knows how long I'd be in there.
"Billie" I called softly which was all I had left till I passed out.
I woke up completely tied to the car from when I had been the first time I was kidnapped only this time I was gagged making my mouth dry. I whimpered, frantically searching all around.
"She's awake" Billie stated quietly.
I noticed I was on Mina's Lexi's and Billie's laps with all their arms rested on me with my wrists and ankles tied.
Billie glanced down at me making our eyes meet.
"Your ok baby" she said softly then quickly turning to anger and she slapped me hard on my jaw making it 3× more painful than how it was when she slapped me on the cheek. Lexi and Mina both stared at me, Lexi with a sorrowful look and Mina with no emotion, which was weird from how nice she was when we first met. I felt tears flood my eyes as I stared at Billie and gave her a cold stare narrowing my eyes. A small smirk spread across her face. She lowered down to my ear making me feel her warm breath on my neck, "don't worry babygirl you won't be escaping ever again" her smirk grew bigger sending chills down my back.
My thoughts drifted out into thinking about other things even the radio of the car left my ears.
"Look at me" Billie commanded a few minutes later making my mind go back to reality.
I hesitantly looked at her, her glare stare at my bloodshot eyes.
Her hand raised making me flinch as her hand hit my jaw again.
"Does that feel good?" She said through her teeth.
I shook my head quickly closing my eyes letting the tears fall.
"It didn't feel good when you left us either, especially when we were about to announce you part in our gang" she stated in a low threatening voice giving me another hard slap.
My heart dropped hearing those words.
One slap after another Billie continued about 5 more times.
At this point I was hysterically crying, making it muffled down from the cloth that was tightly wrapped around my mouth.
"Were here" Finneas said quietly making me think he was even scared of Billie at the moment from how she was treating me.
I whimpered as everyone got out except Billie. She jerking my wrist for fun making me whimper in pain which was a scream in my head.
"Shut up bitch" she rolled her eyes, slapping me yet again.
I squirmed around waiting for her to take me inside and lock me up for the rest of my days.
"Are you ready to go inside?" She asked mockingly
I nodded quickly making my eyebrows go up in desperation.
"Words please" her mocking continued, knowing I couldn't say anything.
"Hxkxbdk" I tried to say something, but with the cloth wrapped around my mouth it was nearly impossible to.
"Huh, can't hear you..looks like your staying out here for the night" she shrugged getting out.
The door slammed as she got out and made her way inside. Minutes had passed as it didn't take long for the car to cool down now that the heat was off making me uncontrollably shiver. I tried to get up noticing my waist was tied down. I tried screaming in anger but nothing came out. The cool air made my mouth dry and sore from being open for hours.
I rose my arms above my head untying the cloth holding my mouth open, making it fall. Then I started with the ropes on my wrists untying it with my teeth. I smiled the whole time excited I would be out in no time. Finally I was completely free. I weakly opened the van door and hoped out leaving the door open to prevent any noise. I started running with all the strength I had left, using all my energy from untying myself. The cold air hit me making it harder to run. I ran on the dirt road hoping to get to a main road soon.
One of the trees reflected light making me jerk my head around to see the van turned on and the headlights shining from a distance.
"That's how I escaped" I sighed feeling a warm tear cross my face and fall on my leg.

I FINISHED THE BOOK OMLL (I extended it instead of writing a whole new book for part two) if you want me to make another kidnapping story or scary story or anything let me know I love feedback and I love requests♡ I will stick with the same characters for all my books but ly all thx for ready:))

Please vote on what my next book should be in the comments:

• another kidnapping story
• smut kidnapping story
• continue the book 'beef with billie'
• write a love story
• school drama story
• horror/intense/disturbing story
• relatable story
• sad story
• humor story
• suspenseful story full of cliffhangers
• plot twist story
• true story
• paranormal story
• mystery story
• non fanfic story
• imagines story
• other..(say in comments)

Prisoner (Kidnapped By B.E. *Non-sexual*) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now