getting warm

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Ive about had it with her and I wasn't going to obey her. I'm not her slave. And I certainly didn't learn my lesson on obeying her

Amara pov

I was just about to run downstairs and hide or even run out the front door. But Finneas came in.
"Do you need more gluten free bread from up the street?" He asked
"No but what I need is for you to grab Amara and take her to me" she said
He gripped my arm, not as tight as Billie. "Thank you" she smiled grabbing my wrists tying them together tying them to the bed and did the same with my ankles.
    "Remember this?" She said smirking
I ignored her obviously I remembered it.
"Since you still don't have a clue of how to obey me, you will be sleeping like that again till you can.
I decided to go along with it, and see how it would play out.
                    ~2 weeks later~

I started getting used to the yelling and the slapping. My anxiety is way better, but something else odd happend this week heres what happend:
I woke up smelling waffles and sasauge. My mouth watered just thinking about it. *knock knock* Billie came in with waffles, sasauge, and a fresh glass of milk.
"Thank you" I said smiling
She smiled back. And even weirder she sat down and gave me a hug.
"Things will be better for you now that you know how things work around here" She said in a calm voice.
Again she smelled like coconut and mango.
    I acually didnt hate it at the house anymore. I was getting used to getting up taking a shower, eating, doing the rest of my schedule. It felt like a year since I saw my family.
    I feel like most people would really miss them but I never really saw them that much anyways besides all the traveling together. Atleast here I got attention.
But that still doesn't mean I prefer living here instead of my family. Once Billie trusts me to go out in public I will escape.
    "We are getting McDonald's for lunch, anything you want?" She asked
"Just surprise me" I said looking down
"What's wrong?" She asked gently
"I-I miss my life" I said accidentally letting it slip
"What?!" She yelled her face turning to anger.

Hope you like it so far:)) comment your thoughts♡♡ don't forget to vote!!

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