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He came out and set a bowl of moldy mac n cheese in front of me. I felt sick to my stomache.

Amara pov

"Now eat" he says
I shake my head as a tear drips from my eyes
"NOW" he yells
As an instinct I get up quick and pull a large knife from its place pointing it at him.
"DONT TOUCH ME" I screamed feeling relief i could defend myself.
His face turns from angry to surprised. I threaten to stab him but he chuckles "that would be a big mistake" he evily grins
I feel a pair of hands grab me as I drop the knife and black out.
I woke up in "my" room which was really small and pitch black. At that moment I let it all out. I missed Billie.

Did I actually say that?

Yes. I missed her ocean eyes, her smile, her scent, the food she gave me, her kindness when I did something good. I even missed her snaps and hisses at me. I cried silently thinking missing everything little thing. Then suddenly I saw the door open. "Hey" I hear a soft male voice say as light streams in.
I dug my head into my knees dreading what he would do next. He grabbed my waist pulling me out. "What do you want to do now" he grins "w-watch tv" I say quickly
"ok well have fun later then" he winks
He put on a random channel and came over and spooned me on the couch. I felt extremely uncomfortable. He stroked my thigh smiling at me the whole time. I buried my head in my legs but he gripped my head to look at him. I felt the most uncomfortable I felt in my life. "Ready to have some fun?" He gets up excitedly
I start to panic
He grabs my hand leading me upstairs. I follow not wanting to make him mad. We entered the room with the chains and he locks the door. I noticed a window with no glass. It would be really easy for me to just jump out. "Come here baby" he says facing the other way, taking his attention off me.
I get ready to jump out as he notices what I'm doing.
"HEY" he screams in anger. I managed to jump out barely hurting myself only a few cuts on my hand and a slight ache in my legs but it didnt stop me from taking off. I felt the cool air rush through me as I was running. The leaves blew around and the smell of fall reached my nose. I ran like I never had before, almost out of sight of the house. I heard a car start.

This chapter was sad and awkward to write sorry its so intense!! Comment your thoughts♡

Prisoner (Kidnapped By B.E. *Non-sexual*) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now