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My heart broke hearing that.

Amara pov

Lexi looked just as broken as me.
"Billie, please-"
"No." Billie said cutting her off.
Lexi shot me a im-so-sorry look.

Why was it Billie's choice who was in charge of me???

"Go up to your room and get ready" Billie sighed
I walked passed her rolling my eyes so she could clearly see I was mad.
I started up the stairs and felt an arm grab me. "Did you just roll your eyes at me?" She hissed pointing a finger at me
Her grip was tight on the upper part of my arm like I was some 5 year old that ate all the cookies.
I stayed quiet fed up with her.
"speak!" She yelled in my face.
"I don't speak to trash" I murmured wanting to laugh.
She just sat there staring at me, I could tell she was getting extremely pissed.
Billie grabbed my hair pulling me upstairs.
"OOOUUUUCH"I screamed dramatically.
"I'm so fucking done with you" she threatened shoving me in my room.
She pushed me on the bed and attempted to slap me but I guarded my face with my arms.
She kept yanking at my arms trying to slap me in the face.
"Hey!" Lexi yelled
"Get the fuck off her!!" She added
Billie stopped and made her way out.
"Are you ok??" She asked with a horrified look
My face was burning from where Billie got me a few times but let a slight smile on my face. Lexi must have noticed cause we both burst out laughing at the same time.
I couldnt help but laugh. I finally was standing up to myself without being scared about it.
Billie returned with a short rope.
"Ok time to leave Lexi" Billie rolled her eyes
Lexi left rolling her eyes back.
"Ok I don't know what the fuck is going on with you but your going to stop, I tried being nice but you blew it" she snapped in an intimidating way.
I nodded a little scared
"Now, for punishment you will be tied up in your free time and no dinner tonight" she stated
I mentally cried but was too lazy to actually cry.
I nodded again acting like I didn't care.
She locked the door and didn't come back.
It was like 5 so i just layed there bored out of my mind. I didn't get brush my teeth or go to the bathroom when night rolled around because I no longer had a bathroom connected to my room, unlike the other house.
After one breath I was out.

Hope you like it so far I really enjoy writing these:)) dont forget to votee

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