Adalya's first pov

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"So" Billie paused closing the door sitting on the edge of my bed. "What did you two do while we were gone?"

Amara pov

"We talked" I said nervously looking down rolling my finger around the hair tie on my wrist.
"Did you see your breakfast I set in the fridge?"
I nodded still looking down
She put her hand on my shoulder
"Hey you don't have to be shy I'm not going to hurt you" she slightly smiled.
I looked up at her and felt butterflys.
I smiled not knowing what to say.
    I went down to fix myself a frozen dinner before bed.
"You almost done? its getting late." Billie shouted from upstairs yawning
"I'll be up in a sec" I said cleaning my dirty dish.
    I sprinted upstairs and went to bed for the night. I layed awake listening to the crickets in the distance along with the dead leaves blowing around.
I heard a little voice calling to me in my head.
Maybe it wasn't my imagination.
I hoped off the bed and listened it sounded like it came from Adalya's room.

Adalya pov

I didn't want to be here. I wanted to go home. Why was I kidnapped? What is going to happen? Why me?

Billie tied my wrists and ankles tied together, tied to the bed so I could hardly move. I felt the urge to pee. I desperately needed to go.
"Amara" I quietly called
"Amara!" I called a little louder
She still didn't answer and I still didn't here her. Maybe she's already asleep.
"Amaraa!" I called one last time.
I heard something.
A door opened and I held my breath it wasn't Billie.
My door slowly opened and I glanced over quick straining my head to see if it was Amara.
"Did you call my name?" I heard her voice ask
It was Amara.
"Yes yes, plz  untie me I really need to me I might explode." I replied quickly
"But what if B-"
I cut her off "plz plz I'm begging you"
I urged
She sighed and started untying me.
I sprinted to the bathroom and stretched my legs. I didn't bother asking Amara to tie me up again. So I just slid in bed, too tired to do it myself.
"Goodmorning time to get up" I heard Billie say
I groaned and stretched.
"How did you get untied?" She asked
"Oh uhh Amara untied me" I blurted out


She loudly exhaled out of her nose her jaw slightly dropped, making her way to to Amara's room.
I pacepalmed myself what have I done.

Chapter 30!! Wow!! Comment your thoughts and don't forget to vote:))

Prisoner (Kidnapped By B.E. *Non-sexual*) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now