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"I have something to ask you" Billie says sitting at the edge of the bed
My heart started racing hearing those words.

Amara pov

"So I trust you won't escape if we went shopping tomorrow?"
"Yes yes yes" I said my eyes lighting up
"I will have to punish you though if you try to escape" she said sternly with her finger pointed at me
"I won't you don't have to worry"
"Ok!" She smiled lightly slapping my leg a few time.

Just because I didn't hate Billie anymore didn't mean I wanted to keep staying here...

I kept thinking if I should escape or not I missed my parents severely and I'm sure they missed me the same.
It has been almost 5 months since I saw my parents so I wouldn't be suprised if they found out who took me yet.
Billie woke me up "rise and shine" she said in a tired voice.
It was 7:00.
"You have to do your chores till 12:45 then the rest of the day is free time" she said placing clean cloths on my dresser.
I got up and brushed my oily hair which I haven't showered in a while from all the stuff that happend lately. I hoped in the shower. I still couldn't decide if I should escape or not. I felt kind of selfish for thinking about it because she gave me everything I could need and on top of that it was high quality stuff. But she had no right to take my life away. So why not escape..
    I got out of the shower feeling the cool breeze come down from the vent.
I got to my chores and then it finally hit 12:45. "Billie I'm done with my chores" I smiled sweetly
"Good girl. Ready to go?"
"Yep" I replied
We got in the car and drove to the mall.
"I have to give you a few rules k?" Billie said looking in the rear view mirror at me.
"number one, don't talk to anyone and if they talk to you ignore them. Two, try not to look at people. Three, stay with me at all times. And four is obvious, no escaping or making a scene. Got that?" She says glancing up at me again in the mirror
"Yes" I replied looking out the window
I haven't got a chance to look at the out into the world. The only time I really got to was In the woods escaping from that awful place..
    The tress all around were gorgeous it was spring now when I was kidnapped it had been fall. The leaves were starting to grow back but it was still icey outside.
    We pulled up in the parking lot.
Billie held out her hand and I grabbed it as we walked inside. If I was going to escape here would be my chance.

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Prisoner (Kidnapped By B.E. *Non-sexual*) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now